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Global Opportunities

10 best things about studying at Cardiff University!

10 best things about studying at Cardiff University!

Posted on 27 October 2021 by Miah

Check out this video where I detail all the things I love about Cardiff University from the city to the lecturers. Stay tuned for more videos and blogs! Miah […]

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

Posted on 4 August 2020 by Ellie

Being a fresh BA Journalism and Communications graduate and official alumni of Cardiff University, I am now able to fully reflect on the three best years of my life right […]

Top 5 reasons why Granada is the most magical city in Spain (…and the world)

Top 5 reasons why Granada is the most magical city in Spain (…and the world)

Posted on 9 June 2020 by Charlotte

Having returned home from my year abroad in Granada three months earlier than planned, it’s safe to say that I’ve been reminiscing about the incredible six months that I spent […]

How Volunteering can Enrich your Student Experience

How Volunteering can Enrich your Student Experience

Posted on 5 April 2020 by Ellie

Most students are blessed with having a pretty decent amount of free time. Although this can be spent making a bit of extra cash or chilling with mates, using your […]

My Global Opportunities Experience: La Universidad de Granada

My Global Opportunities Experience: La Universidad de Granada

Posted on 4 February 2020 by Charlotte

Wow, what a semester I’ve had! Looking back at how much I’ve done in three and a half months really is crazy. Thanks to Granada´s position in the south of […]

6 Things I Learned During My Year of Working Abroad

6 Things I Learned During My Year of Working Abroad

Posted on 18 November 2019 by Lauren

Many uni courses offer a year abroad, whether it be obligatory or optional, but if you’re studying a language like me, the likelihood is that a year abroad is a […]

Studying at a Spanish University

Studying at a Spanish University

Posted on 15 November 2019 by Angharad

Ask any language graduate about the pinnacle of their degree, and the answer will undoubtedly be the infamous Year Abroad.  I still pinch myself every day over the fact that […]

Une Aventure

Une Aventure

Posted on 18 October 2019 by Haris

I’ve been in Rouen 20 days now – I can’t quite believe it. I have so much to share already! Let’s go back 20 days, to when I was moving […]

How I DIDN’T prepare for my year abroad in Spain

How I DIDN’T prepare for my year abroad in Spain

Posted on 12 September 2019 by Charlotte

Well, it’s safe to say that I can’t quite believe that I’m finally here in Granada and have completed my first week of my year abroad! To say that I […]

How my Global Opportunities Experience in Italy Changed My Life

How my Global Opportunities Experience in Italy Changed My Life

Posted on 29 August 2019 by Piotr

Piotr is a fourth year student at Cardiff University, studying a BA in Ancient History and Italian. Originally from Poland, Piotr decided to come and live and study in Wales’ […]