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Advice for Students

What to Look for When Finding your Perfect Student House

What to Look for When Finding your Perfect Student House

Posted on 5 February 2020 by Ellie

So, it’s that time in your first year of university that you begin to get bombarded by student letting agents telling you that they offer a whole load of tempting […]

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Fresher Self

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Fresher Self

Posted on 28 January 2020 by Rowenna

First year can seem so daunting, moving away from home and your parents. Having to look after yourself and be an adult all while juggling a degree – A-levels were […]

The Country Bumpkin Guide to Cardiff

The Country Bumpkin Guide to Cardiff

Posted on 28 January 2020 by Rowenna

So, you’re a self-confessed country-bumpkin, the trees and seas of home are calling, and you don’t know how to satisfy your need for nature. The adjustment can be hard, but […]

How to be the perfect housemate

How to be the perfect housemate

Posted on 8 October 2019 by Ellie

When you first start university, it can be tough getting used to an entirely new environment, independent living and co-habiting with often, complete strangers. It is not uncommon that tensions […]

Top City Study Spaces

Top City Study Spaces

Posted on 10 September 2019 by Ellie

Every student has their favourite study time, study buddy and study space. But where is the prime place to put your head down and churn out that essay? Look no […]

Cardiff’s Best Spots to Unwind

Cardiff’s Best Spots to Unwind

Posted on 7 September 2019 by Ellie

Sometimes, when uni work stress gets too much, we all want a place where we can escape the madness and impending deadlines, and just take a breather. Cardiff has a […]

How to save for an experience abroad

How to save for an experience abroad

Posted on 7 August 2019 by Ellie

Whether you are going on a study abroad placement or a summer volunteering programme, it is always difficult to save up for them. All world-wide adventures, no matter where you […]

7 Tips for Clearing

7 Tips for Clearing

Posted on 1 August 2019 by Ayten

It has been about a year now since I went through the most stressful day of my life, results day. I remember waking up at 8am and seeing the email […]

What is Fresher’s Week?

What is Fresher’s Week?

Posted on 31 July 2019 by Ellie

It’s a question on every person going into first year’s mind. You hear a variety of different things floating around about what exactly that first week of uni is about. […]

Cardiff Award

Cardiff Award

Posted on 24 July 2019 by Ellie

Cardiff has a whole host of departments that offer fantastic opportunities for its students. The Cardiff Award is just one of these and is something that I only just signed […]