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The best of Pride in Cardiff

29 June 2023
Cardiff Pride 2023
Cardiff Pride 2023

Having been eager to be a part of Pride since visiting Brighton days after their Pride in 2018 and seeing the aftermath of the excitement in the city, I was thrilled to realise just how big and celebratory Pride Cymru really is. It’s an LGBT+ Pride festival based in the city centre annually which is Wales’ biggest celebration of equality and diversity. Last year, I had no idea it was happening until running into the epic parade on my way to work (where I ended up being late after the distractions). It was such a gorgeous summer day in August 2022, the was such an amazing atmosphere with a massive number of people showing up for this huge parade – I hadn’t seen anything like it since moving to Cardiff. I knew that I had to take part in the Pride weekend in 2023.

Pride Parade Cardiff 2022

This year Price Cymru was located in Cardiff Castle, the perfect backdrop for any event, it definitely added to the atmosphere. We ended up just booking for the Sunday after leaving it a little late, leading us to our first tip.

Book early – Saturday is the best day 

We learnt the hard way. Despite having a great time, we soon realised that the majority of people there were still feeling the day before. Saturday is the most lively day to try to book, but Sunday was full of excellent entertainment. We arrived mid-way through the Dolly Parton Experience, which is the best way to start a day at any event. We then made our way to explore the different stands which had shown to support or sell fun mementoes for the day. We eventually found ourselves at the second stage, where there were picnic tables to settle down and enjoy the comedy acts and music. This was a great place to enjoy the atmosphere for a few hours. We opted for cheeky Pimm’s yet, with high prices, these aren’t the best for the student budget.

It’s best to plan ahead for drinks

At the event, re-entry is not allowed and the drink prices are *high* so it’s best to plan ahead to save some cash while you’re there. We were surprised at the prices and wanted a replenishment to stay all day, then you can stay the full day and enjoy the music without breaking the bank.

We couldn’t not have a Pimm’s

Be prepared for the day 

Bring a picnic blanket (which we learnt the hard way), a bottle to fill with water once in the event for hot days, sun cream and anything else that you might bring to a festival to make the most of the experience.

Be ready with a camera

The entire event is filled will colour and moments of joy which you’ll definitely want to capture.

But the Pimm’s didn’t come cheap

Wear whatever you want and feel comfortable (but you might need a light jacket in the evening)

The event is open until 10 pm so (unless you’re too busy dancing) you may need something to keep you warm. Despite that, I spent so much time hesitating on what to wear, until I showed up and felt so comfortable. From everyday jeans and a t-shirt to a golden lace-up butterfly top – if you want to go big, this is your chance.

The most important part of the weekend is to show up, however, you can celebrate and support. At the heart of this event is to bring people together, you can read a little more about Pride’s community reach here. Finally, watch out for tickets for next year, when Pride returns to Cardiff Castle 22nd and 23rd of June 2024, which you can find here.