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year abroad

Handy or inconvenient? Technology and Social Media in Dortmund

Posted on 3 March 2018 by Rosalind Farr

Hallo, ich bin zurück! Ich habe einen weiteren fantastischen Monat in Deutschland verbracht, aber wie in England, war es sehr kalt. In diesem Monat wurde ich gebeten, über soziale Medien […]

LingoMap: Entertainment and Leisure

Posted on 3 March 2018 by Eloisa Payne

Bonjour tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien ! Bienvenue à mon deuxième blog pour LingoMap ! Ayant été donné le sujet plutôt général du divertissement et les loisirs, je vais parler de mes voyages à la […]

LingoMap: Festivals and Celebrations

Posted on 1 March 2018 by Bayan Ali

  Bonjour ! Bienvenue sur mon deuxième article pour Lingomap Routes into Languages. Le sujet de cet article est les festivals et célébrations en France. Quand j'ai déménagé à Nantes, j'ai […]

Paris month one: finding my internship

Paris month one: finding my internship

Posted on 28 February 2018 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

Time flies… but it feels like it goes by even faster on the year abroad which is why I cannot believe I’ve not written a blog in three months. There […]

Lingomap: Health and fitness

Posted on 25 February 2018 by Katy Stone

Salut et bienvenue à mon blog sur la santé et la forme physique ! I am currently in my second semester at Université Savoie Mont Blanc in Chambéry. Thanks to its […]

Lingomap: Health and Fitness

Posted on 22 January 2018 by Eloisa Payne

Bonjour tout le monde ! Bienvenue à mon premier blog pour Routes into Languages Lingomap. Je m’appelle Eloisa et maintenant je suis en troisième année de français et allemand à […]

LingoMap: Technology and Social Media

Posted on 20 January 2018 by Katy Stone

Bonjour tout le monde ! (Hello everybody!) Ça va ? (How are you?) This is my first submission for the Routes into Languages LingoMap blog. As you can see from […]

Ser un jóven en el España de hoy.

Posted on 18 January 2018 by Katie Elgie

Hola, buenas. Bienvenidos a mi primera ´Routes into Languages blog´. I have been provided with the broad subject of ´Being a young person in Spanish speaking society´. Castillo Almodover del […]

20 things I am grateful for as a year abroad student in China

Posted on 12 December 2017 by Nancyanne

Living in China is definitely challenging. However, there are many things I am super grateful for.  I decided to make a video this time as I am a little bit […]

Bois de Boulogne: Ladies of the Day!

Bois de Boulogne: Ladies of the Day!

Posted on 13 October 2017 by Natasha Holmes

Call me naïve, a country bumpkin. Call me what you will. But until today, prostitution was an almost abstract idea. A practice confined to BBC Three documentaries, the windows of […]

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

Posted on 28 September 2017 by Natasha Holmes

Ok, so I’m not here to tell you it’s all going to be terrible but I am going to be brutally honest about a few of the struggles I had […]

LingoMap:Career plans, skills and employment

LingoMap:Career plans, skills and employment

Posted on 3 July 2017 by Sarah Gregory

My final LingoMap blog! As an undergraduate, it can be scary to think about leaving the student days behind. Student life is great, it has given me a huge amount […]

LingoMap: School and College life

Posted on 3 July 2017 by Sarah Gregory

Finally I am back with another LingoMap blog! I hope you have enjoyed reading about my year abroad journey so far! For this blog I am focusing on school and […]

Cheap Dreams

Cheap Dreams

Posted on 10 April 2017 by Llewelyn

Wow, it's been a really long time since I wrote an entry here, so I guess I should start by quickly reviewing the last month or so...basically I've been pretty […]

Hostel California(ish)

Posted on 25 February 2017 by Llewelyn

So now that I'm coming to the end of my first month of work here in Marseille, I thought I'd take a minute to share some of my experiences and […]

Lingo Map: Bon Voyage!

Posted on 4 February 2017 by Emily Seaborne

Hey everyone! For my second blog I've been assigned the topic of Entertainment and Leisure and there isn't a better opportunity to tell you all about my travels around France! I […]

Starting Life in Marseille

Posted on 31 January 2017 by Llewelyn

So I haven't really had anything to write about on this blog for about a month now, as I was home over Christmas and assumed that my Christmas Day eating […]

LingoMap: Entertainment and Leisure!

Posted on 5 January 2017 by Sarah Gregory

Hola a todos! Hello and welcome to my first blog post for the Routes into Languages LingoMap Blog. My name is Sarah, I’m 21 years old and I study Spanish […]

End of the Road

Posted on 22 December 2016 by Llewelyn

"Although we've come to the end of the road, still I can't let go" So sang Boyz II Men (bit of a dated reference I know), and the same's true […]

You Know You’re In Barcelona When…

Posted on 13 November 2016 by Llewelyn

As I'm coming towards the last few weeks of my stay in Barcelona, I thought I'd take this opportunity to reflect on a few things I've learnt whilst living here […]