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The best coffee stops in Granada

The best coffee stops in Granada

Posted on 15 August 2021 by Millie Roberts

One of the first things I wanted to know when arriving in Granada was where I could get an amazing coffee. The truth is, almost every coffee you will have […]

Nuevo país, nuevos amigos

Posted on 20 October 2020 by Millie Roberts

Making friends on your year abroad - whilst maintaining social distancing! One of the most nerve-wracking thoughts before your year abroad is making new friends... in a new language! For […]

Opportunities in Granada

Posted on 14 February 2020 by Alice Clifford

After 4 months living in Granada I may be a little bit bias but I believe it is one of the best places in the world! It is a great […]

My first semester in Spain

My first semester in Spain

Posted on 27 January 2020 by Alice Clifford

When I started this blog I had a very naive view of my work ethic and time management as I thought it would be easy to upload a blog post […]

Highs and lows

Posted on 22 October 2019 by Alice Clifford

One phrase that will always remind me of my dad is ‘the highs and lows’. As a Liverpool football fan, after every depressing defeat he would always say ‘oh the […]

Spain’s fight against climate change

Spain’s fight against climate change

Posted on 11 October 2019 by Alice Clifford

During my short time here I have been really amazed by Spain’s fight against climate change. I was able to be part of the worldwide global strike which saw almost […]

Te quiero Granada

Te quiero Granada

Posted on 8 October 2019 by Alice Clifford

While Cardiff and Live Lounge will always have my heart, I am very quickly falling in love with Granada. From impromptu live music and flamenco dancing on the street, to […]

Lingomap: Erasmus over…What next?

Posted on 25 June 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Hola a todos! Wow, so we’ve come to my last blog! My year abroad is over and I could not be sadder, I have had such great time both in […]

Lingomap: El sistema educativo español

Posted on 15 May 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Hola a todos!! Hope you’re all doing well! I'm loving life in very sunny Granada! This month’s topic is school and college studies. Funnily enough 5 years ago today, I […]

Lingomap: El medioambiente en Granada

Posted on 9 March 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Hola everyone! Hope you’re all doing well, how is it march already? Is it me or does time fly when you’re abroad? This month I thought I’d tell you all […]