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LingoMap: Being a young person in a French speaking society

Posted on 21 January 2018 by Osian McGuinness

Bonjour à tous! Ça va ? This is my first blog post for the Routes into Languages LingoMap blog. I am a third year Law and French student at Cardiff University, and […]

Lingomap: Health and fitness

Posted on 20 January 2018 by Emily James

I spent the first semester of my year abroad in a town called Chambery, in the Rhône-alpes region of France (South East). The town itself was quite quiet, but because […]

LingoMap: Technology and Social Media

Posted on 20 January 2018 by Katy Stone

Bonjour tout le monde ! (Hello everybody!) Ça va ? (How are you?) This is my first submission for the Routes into Languages LingoMap blog. As you can see from […]

Nantes month three: birthday celebrations are a go!

Nantes month three: birthday celebrations are a go!

Posted on 27 November 2017 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

I cannot believe how quickly time flies… I only have two more weeks of lectures and then that will be the end of semester one of my year abroad. These […]

Culture Shock – 5 Cultural Differences in France

Culture Shock – 5 Cultural Differences in France

Posted on 26 October 2017 by Kimberly Field

Bonjour! It’s now been two months since I arrived in Nantes and I thought I would write this post about my experience of the culture here so far. When you […]

Nantes month two: and the journey continues

Posted on 18 October 2017 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

I thought I may as well do something productive with my time whilst waiting for my laundry to finish and start my next blog. These past couple of weeks have […]

Bois de Boulogne: Ladies of the Day!

Bois de Boulogne: Ladies of the Day!

Posted on 13 October 2017 by Natasha Holmes

Call me naïve, a country bumpkin. Call me what you will. But until today, prostitution was an almost abstract idea. A practice confined to BBC Three documentaries, the windows of […]

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

Posted on 12 October 2017 by Kimberly Field

Hello, my name is Kimberly, I study French and Spanish and have recently started the first half of my Year Abroad in Nantes! Before I write about my year abroad […]

Nantes month one: I’ve arrived and I’m alive!

Posted on 2 October 2017 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.” – Geoffrey Willans It’s all too easy to forget the reason we’ve come on a year abroad, especially […]

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

Posted on 28 September 2017 by Natasha Holmes

Ok, so I’m not here to tell you it’s all going to be terrible but I am going to be brutally honest about a few of the struggles I had […]

Lingo Map: Career Plans, Skills & Employment

Posted on 30 June 2017 by Kate Pritchard

Bonjour à tous ! On April 30th my placement as a language assistant in the South of France sadly came to an end. I can't believe how quickly this year […]

What next?..

Posted on 7 June 2017 by Harriet Codd

Well, well, well. We have reached our final post in the LingoMap program. I hope you have all enjoyed these blogs and can at least take something away from each […]

Cheap Dreams

Cheap Dreams

Posted on 10 April 2017 by Llewelyn

Wow, it's been a really long time since I wrote an entry here, so I guess I should start by quickly reviewing the last month or so...basically I've been pretty […]

Lingo Map: Bon Voyage!

Posted on 4 February 2017 by Emily Seaborne

Hey everyone! For my second blog I've been assigned the topic of Entertainment and Leisure and there isn't a better opportunity to tell you all about my travels around France! I […]

LingoMap: Mon temps libre dans la ville rose

Posted on 28 January 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you’ve all had a lovely break and that the new term is going well.  As for me, I’ve just moved to Granada (literally three days […]

Ma Ville Rose!

Posted on 23 December 2016 by Melissa Tavares

  Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great term!  Today’s topic is “Self and other’s” which is perfect as I just got home from my first semester abroad […]

La Ville Rose!

Posted on 20 December 2016 by Harriet Codd

Hiiii guys, this is my first blog for Globetrotters and the LingoMap program, so I thought I'd just check in to say a quick 'salut' to everybody and hope you've […]

A Bittersweet Bank Holiday

Posted on 20 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

The 14th of July marks Bastille day in France, commemorating the storming of the Bastille in 1789. It was a long bank holiday weekend with no classes on the Thursday […]


Posted on 15 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

The Friday before classes started, we had our orientation at Sciences Po. Do you remember the painful small talk of the first week on university that left everyone wanting to […]

Leaving so soon?

Leaving so soon?

Posted on 28 February 2015 by Kathryn Muldoon

Unlike those who have the luxury of spending an entire year putting down roots in one city, my semester in Lyon quickly came to a close. Just as I’d started […]