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English Club

English Club

Posted on 12 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Knowing I had to teach first thing unfortunately did not make getting up any easier. It was G.10 at 8.30am and after looking through the textbook I had planned to […]

My First Day Teaching

My First Day Teaching

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So having done no planning the previous day, I spent the first two hours of my day panicking about the three classes I had. I managed to put together a […]

My First Day at School

My First Day at School

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Despite that we weren’t teaching on Monday, we still had to get up incredibly early. We went to breakfast at 7.30am to be introduced to the school at their assembly […]

English Quiz

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we did not get pancakes. It was incredibly disappointing during the early morning after a weekend of relaxing. We did get fried egg and rice though, so it wasn’t […]

The Day of Rest in Ubon

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Sleeping in until 8am the next day was blissful. With breakfast being at 9am we didn’t need to be up too early. At breakfast we were all offered tea or […]

Travelling to the Kingdom of Thailand

Posted on 8 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

What’s so great about getting up at 3.30 am on a Wednesday in June? No, it was not the fabulous sunrise. Nor was it baked beans on toast with a […]

No thinking, no boundaries, all heart.

No thinking, no boundaries, all heart.

Posted on 29 February 2016 by Sara Rahman

In the the last year I travelled to 11 countries, and 8 of those were in Asia. I visited Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Asia, […]

Some advice.

Some advice.

Posted on 21 February 2016 by Sara Rahman

After 4 months of studying abroad, 5 and a half weeks of backpacking, and 4 weeks of settling back into Welsh living, I’m back in Cardiff to tell you about […]

We’re not in Kowloon anymore..

We’re not in Kowloon anymore..

Posted on 19 September 2015 by Sara Rahman

So it has been over 3 weeks since I landed in Hong Kong and I’m not even sure where I should begin? My arrival to Hong Kong was pretty surreal […]

Paris before Hong Kong

Paris before Hong Kong

Posted on 18 August 2015 by Sara Rahman

My name is Sara Rahman and I am a student going into my third year of University. Within my third year of university I will be studying Philosophy at City […]

My Summer Adventure in China

My Summer Adventure in China

Posted on 21 August 2014 by Olivia Witt

Hello, my name is Olivia and I spent 4 weeks in China this summer completing a Chinese language course at the prestigious Xiamen University. Xiamen is in the south of […]

Summer School at Xiamen University

Summer School at Xiamen University

Posted on 18 August 2014 by Lowri Allen

Spending my summer studying in China has been a fantastic opportunity, the China university experience is very different to that of the UK but is equally enjoyable.  My course at […]

The bright lights of Hong Kong

The bright lights of Hong Kong

Posted on 13 August 2014 by Lara Bridge

After a 30 hour journey and several flight delays, we finally arrived in Hong Kong. The first shock occurred as we stepped out of the cool air conditioned airport, and […]

Exploring Gulangyu Island

Posted on 28 July 2014 by Vanessa Yau

Travelling in China is always an experience and today's trip to Gulangyu Island was no exception. If you've never travelled in a densely populated city before, you're in for a […]

Arriving at Xiamen University

Posted on 28 July 2014 by Vanessa Yau

NI men hao! (Hello!) it’s the end of my first school week here at the Overseas college in Xiamen and I'm well on my way to settling in. I arrived […]