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The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

Posted on 12 October 2017 by Kimberly Field

Hello, my name is Kimberly, I study French and Spanish and have recently started the first half of my Year Abroad in Nantes! Before I write about my year abroad […]

Living in one of the world’s greatest cities

Posted on 11 October 2017 by Anya Lewis

I am lucky enough to currently be living and studying in Sydney, a city so incredible that it isn’t even up for debate that it’s one of the best cities […]

Developing sports for Think Pacific in Fiji

Posted on 2 October 2017 by Daniel Ellesmere

Promoting and developing sport in Fiji is a big part of Think Pacific's aims and has certainly played a big role in our project. From our first full day in the […]

Nantes month one: I’ve arrived and I’m alive!

Posted on 2 October 2017 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.” – Geoffrey Willans It’s all too easy to forget the reason we’ve come on a year abroad, especially […]

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

Posted on 28 September 2017 by Natasha Holmes

Ok, so I’m not here to tell you it’s all going to be terrible but I am going to be brutally honest about a few of the struggles I had […]

“I’ve never loved a smoker so much!”

Posted on 24 September 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 25   I’m not a liar, but at Camps, I was renown for my miss-communication skills, which appeared as if I was lying. And most of the time it […]

Getting started in Korea

Posted on 11 September 2017 by Mikolaj Mroszczak

Hi everyone, I'm Nick, I am doing Mechanical Engineering in Cardiff and I decided it is a great idea to spend half of the year in the extended range of […]

This is actually my current Tinder bio

Posted on 5 September 2017 by Pepper Swan

After just 10 long days of existing within the confines of the Special Administrative Region, I think I can safely say that Hong Kong seems to be the truest dichotomy […]

“My full African kicked in once I heard chicken.”

Posted on 3 September 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 21 So, before I start, I need to put one thing straight. I am terrible in the mornings. I mean, not so much the grumpy factor, but I just […]

“You look like a moth.”

Posted on 28 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 17   An early start from Tumbaca on the bus was awaiting us, and with a predicted eight-hour journey we all braced ourselves, hoping we would miraculously arrive there […]

Most instagram-able spots in Vancouver, BC

Posted on 19 August 2017 by Tegan Francis

Having spent the past four weeks in Vancouver, BC roaming around the city as a group of twenty something year olds means that photos are snapped almost every 5 to […]

The Final Week: さようなら日本

Posted on 16 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, yet seemingly all too soon, the month-long Yamagata project is over and I am safely back in the UK, still a little jetlagged but otherwise no worse […]

“ Oh no! I don’t want to be pie!”

Posted on 14 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

Day 13   There’s nothing that makes you feel that tad more disgusting on a Monday morning than a quick wet wipe shower. Today was our last day of project […]

If you visit me when I’m older I’m booking me a visit to Switzerland.

Posted on 14 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

DAY 9   Today was our first R&R (rest day) – so we had the chance to chill and basically do what we wanted for the day. So, the obvious […]

“In Steve We Trust!”

Posted on 5 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

I mean, it was inevitable. We were going to encounter a not-so-nice critter at some point… just not all at once...  Day 5 If you’ve ever wondered if Ecuadorians like […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 3

Posted on 5 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, here is part three of my adventures in Yamagata. My apologies for the delay - it's been a pretty busy week as usual. To pick up where […]

“It’s ok, don’t worry, he’s coming with his machete!”

Posted on 3 August 2017 by Katy Forrest

  “Today I’m leaving for the Amazon… I can’t read a map… I’m not particularly fond of flying… I’m going to the Amazon. What am I doing?” were my thoughts on the […]

WEEK 2 – A Whistler Adventure

Posted on 2 August 2017 by Tegan Francis

Our second week in Canada has come and gone and it’s been quite a whirlwind for us all so far. Vancouver offers an immense number of options of things to […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 2

Posted on 29 July 2017 by Laura Davies

First of all, my apologies for the late post - this past week has been unbelievably busy and tiring, but very fun. We had a pretty full-on week of mostly […]

The End

Posted on 28 July 2017 by Chloe Walker

Sitting here surrounded by my suitcases is a surreal feeling. After about ten months of living and studying abroad, the time has come to go home and to get back […]