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Dr Kevin Smith

Dr Kevin Smith

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Does Philosophy have a role in the New Curriculum for Wales?

Posted on 19 August 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

Should young people study philosophy, or use philosophical practices as part of their schooling experience? This post discusses research with teachers in Wales about their perceptions of philosophy and its potential use in school curricula.

Let’s talk about race.

Let’s talk about race.

Posted on 15 August 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

Understanding the differences between "racism," "prejudice" and "discrimination" can help us to critically reflect on our beliefs, behaviours and assumptions that may promote racism, and how to change them.

Priorities, purpose and efficacy: How identifying aims/purposes in education can make us better teachers.

Priorities, purpose and efficacy: How identifying aims/purposes in education can make us better teachers.

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

Efficacy is the belief in our ability to achieve the results we hope to achieve. The outcomes of our efficacy are normative based beliefs that our behaviour will lead to a desirable outcome, and efficacy expectations are our own belief that we can perform those behaviours. Understanding our values, beliefs and specific conceptualisations of our outcome and efficacy expectations can lead to a richer learning experience for pupils and a greater sense of satisfaction among teachers.

Best Practices vs Enacted Values

Posted on 20 July 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

"...rather than empowering teachers when we claim to offer them "best practices" for the 21st century classroom, we are, in fact, disempowering them. First, it makes them "objects" of other specialists' research and reduces them to mere consumers of pre-packaged products that someone else in the edutocracy created and will profit from. This perpetuates a cycle of consumerist desire, a constant and regenerating market for education consumption. Second, it also fails to equip teachers to live fully into their calling and, especially, to do the very things we so often say we value, namely to improve the lives of the young people in our charge."

Aphorisms & Axioms: Finding Purpose in Teaching.

Aphorisms & Axioms: Finding Purpose in Teaching.

Posted on 8 July 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

What do we mean when we say we want to help young people "achieve their full potential?" Often it seems this phrase is used when we as educators can't articulate our purposes, aims and priorities. To empower our pedagogy, perhaps we should focus less on achieving "potential" and more on specific, achievable aims for us and our learners.

A Pedagogy of Place

A Pedagogy of Place

Posted on 5 July 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

Curricular and pupils' perceptions of place can often be incompatible. However, "pedagogies of place" can empower young people to better understand their understanding of and relationship to their "place."

800 Words or less…

Posted on 18 June 2019 by Dr Kevin Smith

This blog consists of concise posts on various aspects of educational research, pedagogy, and curriculum.