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I, Me and the Reonceptualisation of Curriculum in a New Era of Welsh Education

Posted on 11 April 2024 by Dr Kevin Smith

Generated with BING AI image creator. 11 April 2024. Prompt: Create an image that represents Mead's theory of "I and Me." I, Me and Curriculum Educational reform is something of […]

Currere Cymru: How can autobiographical curriculum theorising enhance teachers’ curriculum work in Wales?

Posted on 27 February 2024 by Dr Kevin Smith

The Future of Educational Research in Wales During my tenure as a Council Member (2015-2020) for the British Educational Research Association (BERA), I worked closely with Professor Gary Beauchamp, a […]

Radical Pedagogy

Posted on 9 November 2022 by Dr Kevin Smith

In an earlier post, I discussed the first chapter in a recent book I co-authored with Dr Dylan Adams and Professor Gary Beauchamp called Pedagogies for the Future: A critical […]

Pedagogy and Thinking Philosophically

Posted on 17 October 2022 by Dr Kevin Smith

In late 2020, Dylan Adams and Gary Beauchamp, two colleagues and friends from Cardiff Metropolitan University, invited me to co-author a book with them that introduces undergraduate students studying education […]

A Special Issue of the SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice

Posted on 30 July 2021 by Dr Kevin Smith

Guest Editors: Kevin Smith, Cardiff University and Brandon Edwards-Schuth, Washington State University. Photo: Phillip McMaster - The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice is interested in research studies […]

A pedagogical reflection on the coddling of white ignorance

Posted on 4 February 2021 by Dr Kevin Smith

This is another 'guest post' from Dr Kevin Talbert, an Associate Professor in Education at The College of Idaho in Caldwell, ID, USA. In this post, Kevin writes about his […]

“Knowledge Rich” or “Content Rich” Curricula?

Posted on 18 December 2020 by Dr Kevin Smith

Sometimes, when talking about knowledge and curriculum, people will ask my thoughts about the term “knowledge rich." My response usually starts out with a statement saying "First off, I'm not […]

Creating Anti-racist Curricula

Creating Anti-racist Curricula

Posted on 3 June 2020 by Dr Kevin Smith

Creating anti-racist curricula. The difference between "not being racist" and being "anti-racist," and resources to create anti-racist curricula.

Perceptions & Purpose: Pupils’ perceptions of learning and using Welsh

Posted on 12 May 2020 by Dr Kevin Smith

In a previous post, Dr Mirain Rhys presented findings from research inspired by results from the WISERDEducation multicohort study, a project involving nearly 1,500 pupils in 29 schools across Wales. […]

Sut ddylem ni addysgu Cymraeg mewn ysgolion?

Posted on 1 May 2020 by Dr Kevin Smith

Mae hwn yn "gofnod gwestai" arbennig gan fy ffrind da a chydweithiwr, Dr Mirain Rhys, darlithydd mewn Seicoleg ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd. Yn y cofnod hwn, mae'n trafod ymchwil y […]