
Generation Tech – A Day in the Life of a Student

Posted on 6 May 2022 by Chris North

Calling all secondary school teachers! Do your secondary school pupils want to take part in a new and exciting interactive exercise that aims to bring science to a wider and more diverse audience? Science and technology dominate our everyday lives – from the alarms we use to wake ourselves up in the morning to how
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3D model of LiteBIRD satellite in front of an image of stars, galaxies and the CMB

Pythagorean Astronomy: Cosmic Developments

Posted on 1 July 2021 by Chris North

Our understand of the Universe has changed a great deal in the last 100 years. From Einstein’s theories of relativity and measurements of the expanding Universe, to the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background and the mysterious Dark Energy. But what are the current mysteries and unknowns that we still want to uncover? And how
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The science behind Cardiff’s space-age scanner

Posted on 21 December 2018 by Chris North

A super-sensitive passenger scanner that reveals hidden security threats has been trialled at Cardiff Airport. The walk-through device applies space technology to image human body heat. The result of a collaboration between Sequestim Ltd and Cardiff University scientists, the technology can distinguish between threats and non-threats without the need for passengers to keep still or remove outer clothing. Here, Ken Wood,
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