
Pythagorean Astronomy: Revisiting Venus

Posted on 29 April 2021 by Chris North

Last September, a team of scientists led by Professor Jane Greaves announced the detection of a rare gas, phosphine, in the atmosphere of Venus. With no plausible explanations of how it could be there, one possibility remaining was that it was being produced by some sort of microbial life floating in the cloud decks of
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Arecibo Stories

Posted on 1 April 2021 by Chris North

Arecibo Stories brings together memories of the Arecibo Telescope from those who used it. The telescope sadly collapsed in December 2020, but part of it will live on through the stories that we tell. This game works best on a computer (not a tablet or mobile device), and may not be compatible with some older
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Gravitational Waves: Meet the Experts

Posted on 23 February 2021 by Chris North

On Saturday 20th February 2021, we hosted a “Meet the Experts” session as part of Cardiff Science Festival. You can watch a recording of the event below. Questions We didn’t get to all the questions live, but the panel kindly answered them by text. Below is a list of the questions and answers, with links
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Pythagorean Astronomy: The Martian Triple

Posted on 2 February 2021 by Chris North

Over the course of the next month, we’ll see the arrival at Mars of not one, not two, but three spacecraft: Nasa’s Perseverance Rover, with its little helicopter Ingenuity; the Chinese Space Agency’s Tianwen-1 mission, which comprises an orbiting spacecraft, a landing platform and a rover; and the UAE’s Hope mission, which is an orbiting
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phosphene on venus

Is there life on Venus?

Posted on 30 September 2020 by Grace Mullally

People across the world have been excited by the recent discovery of the molecule phosphine (PH3) in the atmosphere of Venus – the finding of an international collaboration of researchers lead by Cardiff University’s Professor Jane Greaves. With no known explanations for where the molecules came from, the two explanations left are some unknown chemistry
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