Month: March 2016

Pythagorean Astronomy: to Mars – and Beyond!

Posted on 31 March 2016 by Chris North

March 2016 saw the launch of the first part of Europe’s two-part mission to Mars. The mission, called ExoMars, comprises the “Trace Gas Orbiter” – the part that’s just launched – and a large rover, which launches in 2018. The orbiter will sniff the atmosphere to test for evidence of past  – or maybe even present – life. Elsewhere
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Inspiring Hong Kong to Reach for the Impossible

Posted on 15 March 2016 by Sarah Roberts

It was once believed that the Sun orbited the Earth and a human walking on the moon was nothing but a daydream. Science and technology have both quenched and further intensified our curiosity about the Universe. We are on an eternal mission to try to explain the “impossible” and explore the boundaries of our knowledge.
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