On Monday 24th August Prof Mark McCaughrean will be giving a public talk about the Europan Space Agency’s Rosetta mission. As a Senior Science Advisor at ESA, Mark is heavily involved in all ESA missions, and will be giving fascinating insights into the discoveries made by this remarkable mission. A synopsis of the talk is below.
Date and Time: Monday 24th August, 18.30 (doors open from 18.00)
Venue: National Museum of Wales, Cardiff
Cost: Free!
Booking required: Booking link
The European Space Agency’s mission Rosetta captured the imagination of the world in 2014, as it rendezvoused with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and deployed a lander, Philae, to its surface. Mark will give a behind-the-scenes view of the mission, its history, its 10-year journey to reach the comet, and the exciting events that have been taking place there. Mark will also present some of the early results as scientists unlock this treasure chest of information about the formation of our solar system and the origins of water and perhaps even life on Earth. And finally, a look forward to the rest of the mission: the best is yet to come!