Cardiff University Press supports equitable Open Access
27 October 2021
As a fully Open Access publisher of peer reviewed academic research, Cardiff University Press supports equity, diversity, and inclusion. The aims of the Press include enabling innovative publishing opportunities not readily available elsewhere and facilitating cross-disciplinary and international research collaborations. The Press also seeks to increase Cardiff University’s engagement with the wider community, both local and international, by making the University’s own research outputs more accessible to everyone. The Press supports the professionalisation of Cardiff University students by offering them work experience on editorial teams, and provides a platform for research outputs in other languages including Welsh.
All Cardiff University Press journals are published under the Diamond Open Access model with no charges for authors or for readers, and monographs are published Open Access online for any reader to download free of charge. Here is a roundup of new and noteworthy Press publications over the last twelve months:
The Press marked the first day of Open Access Week 2021 with the launch of a new student-led journal Intersectional Perspectives: Identity, Culture, and Society. This interdisciplinary journal explores the representation and construction of identity, sexuality, race, and gender in social and cultural texts, discourses, practices, and subjectivities. The journal encourages submissions that cut across racial, national, sexual, class, and (dis)ability divisions, as well as other markers of social difference.
Intersectional Perspectives is the fourth student-led journal to be published by the Press, providing opportunities for early career researchers, post-graduate and undergraduate students to gain experience in a range of publishing activities, learn transferrable skills, and enhance employability.
The British Student Doctor Journal, a medical student-led journal launched by Cardiff University Press in 2017, published a noteworthy LGBTQ+ special issue in April this year. The contributing authors represent a wide spectrum of identities and discuss a wide range of LGBTQ+ issues relating to healthcare, medical practice and medical education.
A new monograph was published in August this year. Educators of Healthcare Professionals: Agreeing a Shared Purpose by Julie Browne et al reports on a national research project known as the Healthcare Educators’ Values and Activities Study (HEVAS). The aim of the project was to establish the shared values of, and key activities undertaken by, educators of healthcare professionals. The study offers a new shared perspective on the future for healthcare education and healthcare educators.
The past year also saw Press’s first dual language publication. Kerry Moore’s monograph Reporting on Poverty: News Media Narratives and Third Sector Communications in Wales, examining how poverty news is covered in the English and Welsh languages was published simultaneously in both English and Welsh editions. The book systematically explores contemporary news media coverage of poverty in Wales, including the content and practices of journalism in English and in Welsh. It also critically investigates the relationship between journalism and the third sector in the reporting of poverty, highlighting how the communications work of charities plays a vital role in reporting practices representing the (often ‘hidden’) everyday experiences of poverty across Wales.
Looking forward to next year, the Press has a new journal in the pipeline – the Journal of Ammonia Energy has been accepted for publication and is expected to launch in the Spring. The journal, from the University’s College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, will focus on the use of ammonia as an alternative, sustainable fuel which could help combat climate change.
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