Revise and relax @cardiffunilib
12 April 2023Your library is here to support you through the time leading up to your exams or assessments.

Links for revision ✍️
Finding Academic Information
See our quick guide on Finding Academic Information for help with accessing good-quality academic sources, including the reading material recommended by your lecturers.
Library Chat
Our online chat service for all of your library related enquiries.
Effective revision
A Cardiff University study skills guide to help you prepare for exam revision and improve your revision techniques.
Getting started and avoiding procrastination
How to avoid procrastinating and find the motivation for your academic studies.
Sitting online exams
A Cardiff University guide to help you prepare to sit your online assessments.
Academic Study Skills
This module enables you to access a wide range of resources to support with your academic study skills.
Study Skills and Revision Resources
An electronic resource list from Cardiff University Libraries to help you plan and revise effectively for exam season.
Subject support
Find and contact your Subject Librarian for specialist support with finding and accessing library resources for your subject.
Work collaboratively via our Zoom subscription
Host meetings and work with your coursemates via this multiuser video chat.

Links for wellbeing and relaxation 💆
Wellbeing Collection
The book collection is available to all at Cardiff University and has been curated by our staff, students and partners in Student Life. These items can be found in their own dedicated areas within each of our library sites, just drop by! In tandem with the launch of the book collection we have also produced an electronic Wellbeing resource list.
8 brilliant brain foods to eat while revising
Natural brain boosters to help you focus on the task at hand:
BorrowBox is available online or as an app you can download to your mobile device. It allows you to borrow either audiobooks or ebooks from your local library any time of day from anywhere. Access via your Cardiff public libraries membership (see Join Cardiff public libraries link below to sign up!):
Box of Broadcasts
On demand TV and radio. Record recently aired programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels and search the archive of over 2 million TV and radio broadcasts. Cardiff University students and staff have full access:
Healthy sleep tips
Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life. These tips have been compiled by the National Sleep Foundation:
Join Cardiff public libraries online
Sign up to borrow eBooks, audiobooks and eMagazines 24 hours a day:
Tropical reef webcam
The Tropical Reef Habitat is the Aquarium of the Pacific’s largest exhibit, containing 350,000 gallons of water and over 1,000 animals from the tiny cleaner wrasse to the zebra shark. View the relaxing live webcam here:
Understanding your chronotype
Scientists now believe there are four ways to classify sleep/wake cycles. In the science world, these classifications are known as chronotypes. Chronotypes describe the periods when your body wants to sleep and when it wants to be awake. And to make it easier, the chronotype categories are named after animals: Printable postcards:

Links for support 💚
Coping with your studies
Videos, tips and strategies here on managing exam anxiety, improving concentration etc:
Referring yourself for counselling and wellbeing support
If you are experiencing difficulties such as low mood, anxiety and other feelings of emotional distress or you are concerned about your safety or the safety of someone else please contact us. Find out more about the support available to you and how to access it online: Referring yourself for counselling and wellbeing support – Student intranet – Cardiff University
Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
No student should ever struggle alone. TalkCampus instantly connects them with the right people any time of day in a safe, effective and encouraging environment:

Wellbeing workshops (including dealing with exam anxiety, relaxation etc.)