*National Libraries Day 2016*, Meet the Team – Morena
1 February 2016

Name & job title
Morena, library assistant.
Where did you grow up?
Before I worked in the library I…
Was a conservator (not in a political way!). I worked in Portugal, Brazil and the UK. In the UK I worked in conservation of stone monuments in different historic buildings around the country and my first project was in St Laurence’s Church, Ludlow. I worked in the beautiful chancel reredos, made of gilded limestone, and the mosaics.
I am currently reading…
Several books… ‘The Plague’ by Albert Camus, ‘On Painting’ by Leon Battista Alberti and ‘Museums in the New Mediascape’ by Jenny Kidd. In Bute Library I always come across amazing books I want to read and I feel life is too short to read them all!
What are your favourite things about Cardiff? Any hidden gems?
I love being able to cycle everywhere, Chapter and lying in Bute Park in a warm and sunny day. AND welsh cakes! The National Museum has the best ones!
What’s your favourite place in the world (besides Cardiff!)?
I think it’s home, in Portugal. A small village in the mountains in Algarve. I love the smell of certain plants when the air is warm. And the sun!
What’s the best thing about working here in the library?
I love the academic environment. I enjoy the organization and talking with students. Some tell us what they are working on and it’s always interesting and inspiring.
If you didn’t work in a library, what would be your dream job?
I have a few dream jobs!… But now I would like to be a baker.
What’s your most unusual or surprising library query?
I always find it funny when people come to the desk and say “Hi, I’m looking for a book”. It makes me laugh.