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Cysylltu â ni | Connect with us

Posted on 17 September 2020 by Rob

Sgwrs â'r Llyfrgell Mae 'Sgwrs â'r llyfrgell' yn offeryn negeseua ar-lein sy'n galluogi defnyddwyr i gysylltu gydag aelod o staff yn un o lyfrgelloedd y Brifysgol ac i dderbyn ymateb […]

Adolygwch ac ymlaciwch @cardiffunilib

Posted on 20 April 2020 by Rob

Nid oes angen i ni eich atgoffa bod yr adeg honno o'r flwyddyn wedi cyrraedd eto pan mae arholiadau yn prysur agosáu. Ond rhag ofn nad ydych wedi gweld yr […]

Revise and relax @cardiffunilib

Posted on 17 April 2020 by Rob

We don’t need to remind you it’s the time of year again when exams are just around the corner for many. But just in case all those emails have passed […]

LibrarySearch has changed!

Posted on 24 July 2018 by Vicky Stallard

The new look LibrarySearch is now the default view - see our previous blog post for more information. Please give us your comments and feedback; there is a link on […]

New look LibrarySearch

Posted on 2 May 2018 by Vicky Stallard

We have a new look LibrarySearch interface! We have released a new version of LibrarySearch which you can start using immediately. You can reach the new LibrarySearch homepage by clicking […]

Postgraduate students – we are all ears!

Posted on 5 March 2018 by Rob

   Influence the future of your libraries today. Let us know your views online or in our sites by 18th March **now extended to March 29th!** and enter a draw to […]

New electronic resources on trial—Artstor, Pidgeon Digital, and Blueprint

Posted on 20 February 2018 by Rob

Cardiff University libraries currently have trial access to the following electronic resources, available to all Cardiff University students and staff until the dates stated below. Please let us know if […]

Requests and renewals update

Posted on 24 October 2017 by Vicky Stallard

Requests and renewals update We've introduced some changes to LibrarySearch since the launch of our new library management system last summer. Here's how to get the best out of LibrarySearch and […]

SearchAll in LibrarySearch

Posted on 15 September 2017 by Vicky Stallard

We've introduced some changes to LibrarySearch since the launch of our new library management system last summer, here's how to get the best out of LibrarySearch and your library account. Firstly, […]

Box of Broadcasts competition – ‘Love or Loathe’ Valentine’s Day?

Posted on 7 February 2017 by Rob

From 7th - 14th February Cardiff University Libraries are showcasing the 'Box of Broadcasts' (...that's "BoB" to you and me), the on demand TV and radio service for education to […]