Changes to the Cardiff Harvard referencing style
20 August 2021
From 23 August 2021, the Cardiff Harvard referencing style will be changing slightly to allow for attribution to a sufficient number of authors in the references list/bibliography. The changes are as follows:
Previous guidance:
In your references list, if the source has more than two authors use the abbreviation et al. after the first author’s last name and initials.
New guidance:
In your references list, if the source has more than seven authors use the abbreviation et al. after the first author’s last name and initials.
Find more infomation at our updated Cardiff Harvard referencing tutorial here:

This amendment only affects items listed in reference/lists and bibliographies. There is no change to the current advice for in-text citations. This continues to require the use of et al. where there are more than two authors of a source.
All downloadable reference manager (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero) styles will be updated. If you have previously downloaded the Cardiff Harvard style you will need to download the new style. The old Cardiff Harvard style will be labelled as such and will remain available to download for any Postgraduates who wish to continue using it until September submission.
If you have any questions please contact your Subject Librarian.