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My part-time job history in Cardiff

My part-time job history in Cardiff

Posted on 6 March 2023 by Jasmine

When approaching the idea of going to university, I was hesitant to go straight from sixth-form college to university as I didn’t want to miss out on learning essential life […]

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

Posted on 4 August 2020 by Ellie

Being a fresh BA Journalism and Communications graduate and official alumni of Cardiff University, I am now able to fully reflect on the three best years of my life right […]

8 Reasons Why you should Study Journalism/Media at Cardiff University

8 Reasons Why you should Study Journalism/Media at Cardiff University

Posted on 25 June 2020 by Ellie

The media is all around us; ingrained so deeply into our everyday lives that we often don’t acknowledge its over-bearing presence. For this, its importance cannot be stressed enough, with […]

Managing Online Lectures

Managing Online Lectures

Posted on 28 May 2020 by Rowenna

Thanks to Covid-19 and the government enforced lockdown, university systems and how lectures are delivered have been impacted in universities up and down the country. For many, this has meant online […]

Making the Most of Reading Week

Making the Most of Reading Week

Posted on 2 March 2020 by Ellie

Although not getting the same half terms as schools and colleges, some university students are blessed with having something called a reading week. This is essentially a period in the […]

Top City Study Spaces

Top City Study Spaces

Posted on 10 September 2019 by Ellie

Every student has their favourite study time, study buddy and study space. But where is the prime place to put your head down and churn out that essay? Look no […]