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study tips

Study Tips: Using Active Recall to save time revising

Study Tips: Using Active Recall to save time revising

Posted on 18 August 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my second blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different techniques that I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]

Study tips – Pomodoro Technique

Study tips – Pomodoro Technique

Posted on 11 August 2021 by Nick

University can often create anxiety among students, due to changes in how the curriculum is taught and the level of self-directed learning expected.Personally, I found the jump between A-levels and […]

How to Catch Up On School Work When You Fall Unexpectedly Behind

How to Catch Up On School Work When You Fall Unexpectedly Behind

Posted on 19 October 2020 by Monique

The day before the first week of university began, disaster struck. I got a concussion and had to miss almost to two weeks of classes. While I had told myself […]

5 Tips to Stay Motivated

5 Tips to Stay Motivated

Posted on 15 June 2020 by Zoe

5 Tips to Stay Motivated  With the end of semester being so near, keeping ourselves motivated can be quite the challenge. Here are 5 tips to keep you going!  Establish Your Why  Having a motive or an end goal really […]