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School/College vs University

School/College vs University

Posted on 5 February 2019 by Ellie

Going to university is for many, the first major decision people make in their lives these days. Of course, university isn’t the sole road to success and no-one should feel […]

Languages for All!

Languages for All!

Posted on 24 January 2019 by Gee

Okay, so today I am going to discuss something that Cardiff University offers that I did not know until third year, which thankfully was not too late! Cardiff Universities modern […]

Top Tips for Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement

Top Tips for Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement

Posted on 20 November 2018 by Ellie

It is that time of year when the stress of applying to university and thinking of your future plans seems to hit you out of nowhere. Don’t worry. Every uni […]

Student Tips On What To Do On An Open Day

Student Tips On What To Do On An Open Day

Posted on 29 October 2018 by Gee

Looking back on my time as a prospective student, I wish I did go to more Open Days and spend good quality time at the University when I did attend. […]

10 Things I’ve Learnt Throughout Second Year

10 Things I’ve Learnt Throughout Second Year

Posted on 29 May 2018 by Gee

Despite part time work and two weeks of work experience ahead, I am finally able to sit back and relax for the summer. Second year went ridiculously quick, it seems […]

Top 15 First Year Advice

Top 15 First Year Advice

Posted on 17 May 2018 by Ellie

As my first year at Cardiff University draws to a close, I am left pondering what I have learnt and what I would change. However, what I can say is […]

Cardiff University vs Swansea University Varsity tournament!

Cardiff University vs Swansea University Varsity tournament!

Posted on 26 April 2018 by Gee

Another year goes by and another Varsity sadly passes us. Varsity, as you probably know already, is an annual sporting event between Cardiff and Swansea and it’s the second biggest […]

Top 10 Reasons Why Cardiff is Great

Top 10 Reasons Why Cardiff is Great

Posted on 25 April 2018 by Ellie

Big City, Small Town Vibe This was probably one of the main reasons why I instantly fell in love with Cardiff. With the idea of London completely intimidating me, yet […]

The best places for vegetarian and vegan food in Cardiff

The best places for vegetarian and vegan food in Cardiff

Posted on 28 February 2017 by Hannah

I have been vegetarian for just over three years and most of this time I've spent living in Cardiff. I spend a lot of my leftover money on trying new […]