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Gwylia Pasg – Prifysgol Caerdydd

Gwylia Pasg – Prifysgol Caerdydd

Posted on 5 April 2013 by Anna

Dwi am fod yn blaen ac i’r pwynt.  Sgen i affliw o ddim diddorol i dde’ud wrthoch i yn yr eiliad presennol yma.   Ond dyna ni.  Y gwych a’r gwachul […]

Semester ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd Mewn Chydig Eiria… Wel Bron Iawn!

Semester ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd Mewn Chydig Eiria… Wel Bron Iawn!

Posted on 28 March 2013 by Anna

Dwi newydd dorri ffwrdd am y pasg a dwi wir ddim isho mynd heb flogio am rai o uchafbwyntia'r tymor.  Mashwr gen i y cewch i'ch diflasu am fy hanas […]

Cipolwg o Brifysgol Caerdydd

Cipolwg o Brifysgol Caerdydd

Posted on 20 March 2013 by Anna

Blas o’r jolihoetian diweddar Iawn - oni’n meddwl y byswn i’n rhoi yp-det bach i chi ar yr hyn dwi wedi bod yn ei wneud yr wthnosa diwetha ma. Mi […]

Studying English at Cardiff

Studying English at Cardiff

Posted on 22 February 2013 by Juliette

I suppose my Cardiff story starts in the social area at sixth form, where my friend and I pored over University guide after University guide. We analysed their facilities, the […]

My experiences as an English Language student at Cardiff University

My experiences as an English Language student at Cardiff University

Posted on 4 February 2013 by Eleanor

Hi, I’m Eleanor and I am a second year undergraduate at Cardiff University. Hopefully this blog post will give you an insight into what it is like to be an […]

Learning German in Hamburg through Cardiff University

Learning German in Hamburg through Cardiff University

Posted on 20 December 2012 by Emily

When people ask me how long I have been learning German for, they are always surprised to hear me tell them that I began studying it properly at university. Having […]

My First On Call as a Medical Student at Cardiff University

My First On Call as a Medical Student at Cardiff University

Posted on 10 December 2012 by Lewys

Hi guys sorry I’ve been off the chart for the past few weeks. I've been crazily busy preparing for a Situational Judgment Test which all UK final year medical students […]

Cardiff University Psychology Society

Cardiff University Psychology Society

Posted on 7 November 2012 by Hannah

Hi all! So I thought I'd do a little spotlight on something that has played a major role in my life over the past couple of months: PsyCardiff - The […]

Playing netball at Cardiff University!

Playing netball at Cardiff University!

Posted on 24 October 2012 by Freya

Hello once again! So now it's week 4, so the realisation of being in third year is really hitting home, I mean, I've got a reading week which starts at […]