Remote learning has introduced the use of Padlet, which is a digital tool that acts as a discussion board for students and staff. In the School of Pharmacy for example, […]
If you have never been to Cardiff or even Wales before then you might not have a good understanding of what the city of Cardiff is like but don't worry […]
This week, I have faced dreaded deadlines piling up out of nowhere, time seems to have suddenly sped up and I have transitioned back into working from home, whilst engaging […]
Being on a course that usually has a lot of contact hours and time spent in the laboratory, I was very hesitant when it came to online learning. I was […]
Finding study spots is important when at university and having a big workload. I find it is nice to study in different places to be able to get a change […]
Fel rhan o radd ymsang, mae disgwyl i ni fel myfyrwyr gwblhau prosiect ymchwil ac mae'r prosiectau hyn yn cyfri am ran mawr o'r radd. Oherwydd y cyfyngiadau yn gysylltiedig […]
Due to the pandemic, students all over the country have adapted to online learning and virtual methods of learning delivery. I am a 3rd year medical student at Cardiff University […]
Often, when applying for a job, the company want people with experience and what better way to gain experience than doing work experience during uni. At the beginning of uni, […]
As someone who loves to network and stay engaged with others, it may come as a surprise that I have my notifications switched off for Facebook (+ Messenger), Instagram, Twitter, […]