Very sorry for the late blog again! I was trying to focus on revision, now that it's out of the way for another semester I thought I'd talk about another […]
A massive part of the uni experience is living with your friends. It comes with absolute hilarity and things like 'Uni Challenge' nights (Monday evenings, after Guides), but also comes […]
It's mid-exams over here, and whilst I am definitely not an expert I'm pretty exam-experienced by now! I've always found it difficult to focus and maintain concentration for the whole […]
y gradd rhyngosod Cyfeillion Y flwyddyn academiadd yma rydw i yn astudio gradd rhyngosod (intercalated degree) ac dwin mynd i son am dan hynny rwan yn yr post yma. Fellu, […]
Everyone knows that living off a student loan can be a struggle, but it doesn't have to be a problem if you discipline yourself and take a few of these […]
Hello pawb. Dyma fy cyfraniad cyntaf I’r blog. Dwi yn astudio meddygaeth yn Prifysgol Caerdydd ond dwin cymeryd flwyddyn allan i ceisio enill gradd rhyngosodol (intercalated degree) yn geneteg blwyddyn […]
Hello, and welcome to my first blog! I thought I’d start off with a post on settling into uni life and some things that can help with this. Now the […]
Halls usually mean the start of living away from home, and with people who you've only just met. As such, it's vital that you get used to the necessary etiquette […]
As I was moving into my new room in a house shared with three of my favourite people this week, I thought with fondness of the slightly-terrified-but-still-excited 18-year-old Past Elli […]