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Postiadau blog diweddaraf

Staying Fit at University

Staying Fit at University

Postiwyd ar 16 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellie

As the saying goes - a healthy mind is a healthy body. Whilst it’s easy to get sucked in to the cyclical student lifestyle of pizza binging and snack indulging, […]



Postiwyd ar 14 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

Hi everyone! Please find all the links to my content from 2020-21 which is full of relevant advice for the whole process from start to finish for applying and getting […]

Resources for Transition to 1st Year  Medicine!

Resources for Transition to 1st Year Medicine!

Postiwyd ar 12 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

When starting medicine, one of the most important elements to grasp is an understanding of how everything fits together. It can be easy to separate your anatomy completely from your microanatomy […]

All things UCAT!

All things UCAT!

Postiwyd ar 12 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

It is important that you know what admission test each medical school you apply to requires - for Cardiff, it is the UCAT (formerly known as the UKCAT). In this […]

How to start your medicine personal statement

How to start your medicine personal statement

Postiwyd ar 12 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

I just wanted to do a follow up blog from the overview so that I could share some tips and more about my approach to writing my personal statement. INVEST IN A […]

Preparing for your medicine application – what do you need to do?

Preparing for your medicine application – what do you need to do?

Postiwyd ar 11 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

Every year, the UCAS deadline for submitting an application for medicine is 15 October. So what should you be doing to meet this deadline? This blog is going to talk […]

Reading recommendations!

Reading recommendations!

Postiwyd ar 8 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

I thought it would be good to have a collection of reading recommendations - tried and tested by current medics at Cardiff across a range of years! This is useful […]

PART 4: What’s it like dealing with the workload?

PART 4: What’s it like dealing with the workload?

Postiwyd ar 8 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellen

So finally for the last part of this subseries, I just wanted to delve deeper into what the transition was like for me straight from A levels to 1st year […]

How Volunteering can Enrich your Student Experience

How Volunteering can Enrich your Student Experience

Postiwyd ar 5 Ebrill 2020 gan Ellie

Most students are blessed with having a pretty decent amount of free time. Although this can be spent making a bit of extra cash or chilling with mates, using your […]

How to time manage during clinical placement

How to time manage during clinical placement

Postiwyd ar 31 Mawrth 2020 gan Jess

During my time at university, I have found time management really important - especially when on clinical placement. Whilst on placement, sometimes I have had university related work and placement […]