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Coming to Cardiff Uni Through Clearing

8 August 2018

With results day not too far away, it has been nearly two years since I woke up on results day morning and cried my eyes out after finding out that I hadn’t made it into my first or second choice university. I initially presumed that I’d failed one of my A Levels and that day felt like the end of the world. Looking back I wish I could have told myself not to panic because it all worked out in the end and now I’m in Cardiff University and I’m so incredibly happy.

On that results day morning I quickly drove with my dad to my high school to find out what my specific grades were, and after expecting that I had potentially failed one of my subjects, I was pleasantly surprised with the grades I had. I ended up over achieving in one of my subjects but unfortunately under achieving in one of my others but on the whole, I was really happy with my grades. After calming down and feeling more positive I decided to look at my clearing options. I had previously visited Cardiff and had loved the campus and the feel of the city, but they didn’t offer Drama which was the course I was initially interested in. However, I had always been interested in journalism too. After talking to my parents and thinking about my options I decided that I was more flexible about the course I chose rather than the uni I would end up going to and personally I had always wanted to go to a Russell Group university and I didn’t want that to change. So, when I saw that Cardiff were offering clearing spaces on their journalism courses I was over the moon and decided to give them a call as soon as I could.

The phone call was incredibly straightforward and simple. The lady on the line was so lovely and patient with me (because it was fair to say I was a bit emotional) and before I knew it she was offering me a place at the university. From there all I had to do was wait for an email confirmation and accept the place on UCAS. By the end of the day I was a confirmed student at Cardiff University, enrolled to study journalism and communications, and I was over the moon.

The moment I found out that I had a place at Cardiff University was one of the happiest moments of my life. Going to university had always been such a priority for me and I was so excited to leave my small hometown and start a new chapter of my life. For a moment on results day I didn’t think I’d be going to uni at all, or I at least wouldn’t be going to a university I felt happy and excited about. But luckily Cardiff accepted me, and I’ve had the most amazing two years here. I am about to enter my third year and I can’t even describe how grateful I am to be a student at Cardiff, studying a course that I am incredibly passionate about. My advice to any students who may find out on results day that they did not achieve the grades they had hoped, would be to stay calm because everything works out in the end. When considering your options, you should consider Cardiff. It’s the most amazing university, with such a friendly and exciting atmosphere – you definitely won’t regret becoming a student at Cardiff.

For further advice on coming to Cardiff University through clearing please follow this link:


Application ProcessClearingYmgartrefu

Coming to Cardiff Uni Through Clearing

8 August 2018

With results day not too far away, it has been nearly two years since I woke up on results day morning and cried my eyes out after finding out that I hadn’t made it into my first or second choice university. I initially presumed that I’d failed one of my A Levels and that day felt like the end of the world. Looking back I wish I could have told myself not to panic because it all worked out in the end and now I’m in Cardiff University and I’m so incredibly happy.

On that results day morning I quickly drove with my dad to my high school to find out what my specific grades were, and after expecting that I had potentially failed one of my subjects, I was pleasantly surprised with the grades I had. I ended up over achieving in one of my subjects but unfortunately under achieving in one of my others but on the whole, I was really happy with my grades. After calming down and feeling more positive I decided to look at my clearing options. I had previously visited Cardiff and had loved the campus and the feel of the city, but they didn’t offer Drama which was the course I was initially interested in. However, I had always been interested in journalism too. After talking to my parents and thinking about my options I decided that I was more flexible about the course I chose rather than the uni I would end up going to and personally I had always wanted to go to a Russell Group university and I didn’t want that to change. So, when I saw that Cardiff were offering clearing spaces on their journalism courses I was over the moon and decided to give them a call as soon as I could.

The phone call was incredibly straightforward and simple. The lady on the line was so lovely and patient with me (because it was fair to say I was a bit emotional) and before I knew it she was offering me a place at the university. From there all I had to do was wait for an email confirmation and accept the place on UCAS. By the end of the day I was a confirmed student at Cardiff University, enrolled to study journalism and communications, and I was over the moon.

The moment I found out that I had a place at Cardiff University was one of the happiest moments of my life. Going to university had always been such a priority for me and I was so excited to leave my small hometown and start a new chapter of my life. For a moment on results day I didn’t think I’d be going to uni at all, or I at least wouldn’t be going to a university I felt happy and excited about. But luckily Cardiff accepted me, and I’ve had the most amazing two years here. I am about to enter my third year and I can’t even describe how grateful I am to be a student at Cardiff, studying a course that I am incredibly passionate about. My advice to any students who may find out on results day that they did not achieve the grades they had hoped, would be to stay calm because everything works out in the end. When considering your options, you should consider Cardiff. It’s the most amazing university, with such a friendly and exciting atmosphere – you definitely won’t regret becoming a student at Cardiff.

For further advice on coming to Cardiff University through clearing please follow this link: