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Coming to university as a mature student

26 July 2024
Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash
Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

Cardiff University defines a mature student as someone coming to University over the age of 21 years old. While this definition includes the majority of people, the general intake is typically dominated by the 18 to 20 age group of school leavers and gap year takers. As a consequence, being a mature student may be a stressful prospect for many incoming students. However, being a mature student, whether you have switched courses, are an international student or are beginning your university studies, can actually be a huge benefit.

Benefits of being a mature student 

Being a mature student means that you come to university, and graduate, with another level of life experience compared to those who come straight to Cardiff. This may help you be more resilient to the challenges of university life.  In addition, you may be more grounded and experienced when it comes to nightlife and making friends, making you more equipped to make the most of your university experience.


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Coming back to study can be a change and, while it may initially be a welcome adjustment compared to full-time work, it could still take time to adjust to the changes. To help you adjust, Cardiff University offers an academic study skills centre where you can access all the information that you may need and get support to help you rejust to academia.

Living with younger students 

While some people may be intimidated to live with younger students, I believe that there is nothing to worry about, depending on the age gap. You can generally choose accommodations based on what you’re interested in. For example, suppose you’re still looking to experience the nightlife. In that case, any Talybont accommodation is a good choice, while if you’re on a budget and want a more central location, perhaps look at the student houses (though they feature shared bathrooms). Some, who prefer more space, privacy or cleanliness than living with new adults can offer, you can opt for private accommodation.

Ways to meet people

While it may be intimidating for some, it is easy for mature people to integrate into the student community and make friends, especially once they meet the right people. If you’re looking for other mature students to meet, the university hosts an induction event at the beginning of each academic year. In addition, there is a Mature Students Officer at the Student Union who is responsible for representing your interests within Cardiff Universities’ Students’ Union.