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What are Social Sciences?

What are Social Sciences?

Posted on 4 February 2017 by Wendy

Hi guys! I’m Wendy, another new Insider on the block and here to lay down the law on what the School of Social Sciences (SOCSI) at Cardiff is about! As […]

Cardiff University Placements

Cardiff University Placements

Posted on 31 October 2016 by Hope

Hell guys! I thought I would do another post with some frequently asked questions about Cardiff University and placements. 1. Where can you go during placement year? I think I've answered […]

How to survive a university exam season!

How to survive a university exam season!

Posted on 15 January 2016 by Nina

It's mid-exams over here, and whilst I am definitely not an expert I'm pretty exam-experienced by now! I've always found it difficult to focus and maintain concentration for the whole […]

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Posted on 13 August 2015 by Toby

Two months spent on Creative Cardiff as part of a Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme really paid off. So what is it and why should you consider one yourself? In […]

7 Survival Tips for your Dissertation

7 Survival Tips for your Dissertation

Posted on 8 May 2015 by Hannah

Ok, apologies this one is a little late! It has been relatively intense lately what with the dissertation deadline. For those who aren't sure what a dissertation is, it's essentially […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Exam Period

Video Blog – Toby talks Exam Period

Posted on 30 April 2015 by Toby

You probably don't need telling, but it's that time of year again. Just as the sun seems to get into the habit of coming out and staying out, the most […]

How to Choose your University

How to Choose your University

Posted on 30 October 2014 by Iain

I'm sure a lot of A level students reading this are trying to work out what they want to study for a degree, where to study and what to do […]

Top Tips for Freshers Week

Top Tips for Freshers Week

Posted on 1 October 2014 by Iain

I'm sure a lot of first years who may be reading this are feeling a little bit confused about what they have gotten themselves into, I know I was 2 […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Studying Journalism

Video Blog – Toby talks Studying Journalism

Posted on 22 September 2014 by Toby

How’s Freshers treating you, then? The hardcore will have you believe that if it’s yet to gobble you up and spit you back out again then you’ve probably been doing […]

Studying Maths at Cardiff

Studying Maths at Cardiff

Posted on 11 September 2014 by Nina

Hi everyone, Long time no post – and so much has happened since the last one! A Level and GCSE results days have now passed and I’ve heard Maths clearing […]