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Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Posted on 13 August 2015 by Toby

Two months spent on Creative Cardiff as part of a Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme really paid off. So what is it and why should you consider one yourself? In […]

A checklist for moving out of your student house

A checklist for moving out of your student house

Posted on 2 June 2015 by Vicky

As we hit June, this tends to be the final month before people move out of their student houses and head home for the summer. It also gives you the […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Summer Internships

Video Blog – Toby talks Summer Internships

Posted on 30 May 2015 by Toby

With the academic year finally drawing to a close, we've already got another thing to worry about - bagging that summer internship. Although sitting in front of Netflix for three […]

7 Survival Tips for your Dissertation

7 Survival Tips for your Dissertation

Posted on 8 May 2015 by Hannah

Ok, apologies this one is a little late! It has been relatively intense lately what with the dissertation deadline. For those who aren't sure what a dissertation is, it's essentially […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Exam Period

Video Blog – Toby talks Exam Period

Posted on 30 April 2015 by Toby

You probably don't need telling, but it's that time of year again. Just as the sun seems to get into the habit of coming out and staying out, the most […]

Why Cardiff is actually the best uni out there…

Why Cardiff is actually the best uni out there…

Posted on 25 March 2015 by Jess

Ok so the title of my latest blog may sound like just another piece of biased uni propaganda, but bear with me. I came to this profound  conclusion over the […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Student Media

Video Blog – Toby talks Student Media

Posted on 27 February 2015 by Toby

If you're a Cardiff University student, it's likely that you'll have seen copies of Gair Rhydd and Quench magazine around campus. I'd argue that you're just as likely to have […]

Video Blog – Toby talks House Hunting

Video Blog – Toby talks House Hunting

Posted on 2 November 2014 by Toby

What does the start of November mean to you? For most, it's darker evenings and the fear that Christmas is going to roll around that little bit too quickly, but […]

How to Choose your University

How to Choose your University

Posted on 30 October 2014 by Iain

I'm sure a lot of A level students reading this are trying to work out what they want to study for a degree, where to study and what to do […]

Top Tips for Freshers Week

Top Tips for Freshers Week

Posted on 1 October 2014 by Iain

I'm sure a lot of first years who may be reading this are feeling a little bit confused about what they have gotten themselves into, I know I was 2 […]