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How to manage your money at university!

How to manage your money at university!

Posted on 19 March 2019 by Phoebe

You’ll realise very quickly that money is a big talking point at Uni. It is a slightly different experience coming from Guernsey, as you don’t get student finance and most […]

Placements, Internships and Voluntary Work at Cardiff University

Placements, Internships and Voluntary Work at Cardiff University

Posted on 10 August 2018 by Rachel

Without a doubt, one of the best things about my degree at Cardiff University has been the wealth of opportunities to gain experience and skills outside of the undergraduate teaching. […]

7 Ways To Spend Your Uni Holidays

7 Ways To Spend Your Uni Holidays

Posted on 3 April 2018 by Ellie

Uni summer holidays are definitely something to treasure. With some people getting up to four months off, how will you spend yours? Volunteer There’s nothing more challenging and exciting than […]

Things to Remember for September!

Things to Remember for September!

Posted on 18 August 2017 by Hope

First of all I just wanted to say well done to all of you who got what you wanted on results day! As I am now a couple of weeks […]

What to ask on a University Open Day?

What to ask on a University Open Day?

Posted on 25 April 2017 by Wendy

So tomorrow is the Cardiff University Open Day! I remember this time last year where I was going to Open Days and I feel like they really give you an […]

Top tips for saving money on travel

Top tips for saving money on travel

Posted on 25 April 2017 by Hannah

I travel to and from university by train. It can be a nightmare carrying all of my bags with me and trying to get them to fit in the luggage […]

Money saving at university

Money saving at university

Posted on 25 January 2016 by Hope

Very sorry for the late blog again! I was trying to focus on revision, now that it's out of the way for another semester I thought I'd talk about another […]

Video Blog – Saving Money: 8 Solid Tips

Video Blog – Saving Money: 8 Solid Tips

Posted on 30 October 2015 by Toby

Everyone knows that living off a student loan can be a struggle, but it doesn't have to be a problem if you discipline yourself and take a few of these […]