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Jobs and work experience

Placements, Internships and Voluntary Work at Cardiff University

Placements, Internships and Voluntary Work at Cardiff University

Posted on 10 August 2018 by Rachel

Without a doubt, one of the best things about my degree at Cardiff University has been the wealth of opportunities to gain experience and skills outside of the undergraduate teaching. […]

What to do in the uni holidays!

What to do in the uni holidays!

Posted on 15 July 2018 by Gee

There are some days amidst the revision, exams and assessments that we cannot wait another minute for summer to come. We crave the lay ins, the lazy days, the sunshine […]

How to find work experience whilst at university!

How to find work experience whilst at university!

Posted on 12 June 2018 by Gee

Summer is just around the corner and for many of us (myself included), we've already finished with our academic year and have got a sunburn from thinking we “didn't need […]

7 Ways To Spend Your Uni Holidays

7 Ways To Spend Your Uni Holidays

Posted on 3 April 2018 by Ellie

Uni summer holidays are definitely something to treasure. With some people getting up to four months off, how will you spend yours? Volunteer There’s nothing more challenging and exciting than […]

Tips for Getting the most out of Work Experience

Tips for Getting the most out of Work Experience

Posted on 5 June 2017 by Hannah

Work experience, though a great thing to put on your CV, is much more than that. It can help you to learn valuable skills and can prepare you for the […]

Interview Tips

Interview Tips

Posted on 18 February 2016 by Hope

The second year Psychology students hoping to do placement next year are all currently prepping for, or taking part in interviews for their chosen placements. I've heard loads of different […]

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Posted on 13 August 2015 by Toby

Two months spent on Creative Cardiff as part of a Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme really paid off. So what is it and why should you consider one yourself? In […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Summer Internships

Video Blog – Toby talks Summer Internships

Posted on 30 May 2015 by Toby

With the academic year finally drawing to a close, we've already got another thing to worry about - bagging that summer internship. Although sitting in front of Netflix for three […]

Why Cardiff is actually the best uni out there…

Why Cardiff is actually the best uni out there…

Posted on 25 March 2015 by Jess

Ok so the title of my latest blog may sound like just another piece of biased uni propaganda, but bear with me. I came to this profound  conclusion over the […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Student Media

Video Blog – Toby talks Student Media

Posted on 27 February 2015 by Toby

If you're a Cardiff University student, it's likely that you'll have seen copies of Gair Rhydd and Quench magazine around campus. I'd argue that you're just as likely to have […]