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Third year

7 Survival Tips for your Dissertation

7 Survival Tips for your Dissertation

Posted on 8 May 2015 by Hannah

Ok, apologies this one is a little late! It has been relatively intense lately what with the dissertation deadline. For those who aren't sure what a dissertation is, it's essentially […]

Why Cardiff is actually the best uni out there…

Why Cardiff is actually the best uni out there…

Posted on 25 March 2015 by Jess

Ok so the title of my latest blog may sound like just another piece of biased uni propaganda, but bear with me. I came to this profound  conclusion over the […]

Interview: My Geography and Planning degree at Cardiff University

Interview: My Geography and Planning degree at Cardiff University

Posted on 19 June 2014 by Madeleine

1.   What makes Cardiff such a great place to study Geography & Planning? I didn’t choose Cardiff, Cardiff chose me!  (*laughs*) Seriously, I chose Cardiff School of Planning and Geography […]