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Student Life

Languages for All

Languages for All

Posted on 28 April 2017 by Hannah

Looking back at my time at University, something I'm really glad that I tried out is a Languages For All course. Languages for All runs alongside your main studies and offers students […]

What to ask on a University Open Day?

What to ask on a University Open Day?

Posted on 25 April 2017 by Wendy

So tomorrow is the Cardiff University Open Day! I remember this time last year where I was going to Open Days and I feel like they really give you an […]

Top tips for saving money on travel

Top tips for saving money on travel

Posted on 25 April 2017 by Hannah

I travel to and from university by train. It can be a nightmare carrying all of my bags with me and trying to get them to fit in the luggage […]

Student Friendly Food

Student Friendly Food

Posted on 20 March 2017 by Hope

I'm currently trying to save up some money so I don't have to rush into anything after University. Hopefully if I save up a bit of money I can take […]

The best places for vegetarian and vegan food in Cardiff

The best places for vegetarian and vegan food in Cardiff

Posted on 28 February 2017 by Hannah

I have been vegetarian for just over three years and most of this time I've spent living in Cardiff. I spend a lot of my leftover money on trying new […]

Video Blog – 8 Things I wish I’d done more of at University

Video Blog – 8 Things I wish I’d done more of at University

Posted on 8 April 2016 by Toby

As the final semester looms over myself and every other third year studying at Cardiff University, I've decided to look back on some of the things that I wish I'd […]

Ionawr trwm fel Meddyg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd

Ionawr trwm fel Meddyg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd

Posted on 1 February 2016 by Leo

Ionawr brysur! Mae o wedi fod yn Ionawr eithaf prysur iddy fi. Mi wnaeth y tymor prifysgol gorffen yn braf iawn ag mae diwedd y tymor Dolig yn wastad yn […]

How to survive a university exam season!

How to survive a university exam season!

Posted on 15 January 2016 by Nina

It's mid-exams over here, and whilst I am definitely not an expert I'm pretty exam-experienced by now! I've always found it difficult to focus and maintain concentration for the whole […]

Quick Cooking Tips for a university student

Quick Cooking Tips for a university student

Posted on 5 November 2015 by Hope

Hello all! Sorry for the late blog, I wrote it early on in October so I could publish it later on, I felt so prepared until I completely forgot to […]

Video Blog – Halls: 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Video Blog – Halls: 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Posted on 21 September 2015 by Toby

Halls usually mean the start of living away from home, and with people who you've only just met. As such, it's vital that you get used to the necessary etiquette […]