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Living away from home

Student Life Vlogs – Northern Arizona University

Student Life Vlogs – Northern Arizona University

Posted on 15 November 2018 by Dan

I'm back! Hello, it's Dan again, and I have returned! I am making student life vlogs once again, this time during my semester abroad in the states. In this episode, […]

Student Tips On What To Do On An Open Day

Student Tips On What To Do On An Open Day

Posted on 29 October 2018 by Gee

Looking back on my time as a prospective student, I wish I did go to more Open Days and spend good quality time at the University when I did attend. […]

My Final Year as an undergraduate at Cardiff University

My Final Year as an undergraduate at Cardiff University

Posted on 29 September 2018 by Gee

As I currently do not know where I shall be studying my master’s degree next year, this present academic year at Cardiff University is my last! I am a third […]

What I Eat at University

What I Eat at University

Posted on 20 September 2018 by Gee

Amongst all the new things that abruptly come into your life when starting University, cooking was probably one of the scariest for me. If cooking is not a skill one […]

Why You Should Join A Society

Why You Should Join A Society

Posted on 27 August 2018 by Gee

Coming to University can be a very overwhelming experience because there are just so many things to think about and do. I can imagine right now everyone is worrying about […]

Student Life Vlogs – Global Opportunities

Student Life Vlogs – Global Opportunities

Posted on 14 August 2018 by Dan

Hello again! In this vlog I talk about what opportunities are available for working and studying abroad during your degree. Everything you need to know: As always, questions are […]

Why I chose to study at Cardiff University

Why I chose to study at Cardiff University

Posted on 9 August 2018 by Rachel

With A level results day 2018 fast approaching, there are some key questions for anyone hoping to start university this September: What is it like to be a student? Which […]

How To Decorate Your University Room!

How To Decorate Your University Room!

Posted on 11 July 2018 by Gee

Though it is probably the last thing on your mind when moving back to University or moving there for the first time, it is something you will have to tackle […]

Have You Got Your Meningitis Jab?

Have You Got Your Meningitis Jab?

Posted on 21 June 2018 by Gee

Before you go to University, there are lots of things that you need to do to prepare. This summer, you probably have a ‘To Do’ list longer than your arm. […]

Moving Out Day

Moving Out Day

Posted on 31 May 2018 by Ellie

So the time has come. After a memorable and brilliant first year at Cardiff University it is time to begin the mammoth task of packing up my hordes of possessions […]