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My Study Abroad Experience

My Study Abroad Experience

Posted on 24 July 2019 by Ellie

I genuinely can’t believe I’m writing this because it means that my semester abroad in Adelaide, Australia is coming to an end. In just 2 days’ time I will be […]

Student Budgeting While Abroad

Student Budgeting While Abroad

Posted on 11 June 2019 by Ellie

Cardiff offers a variety of opportunities to go abroad through its Global Opportunities department. Anything from volunteering in rural Nepal, sports coaching on a remote Fijian island or studying halfway […]

Internship Summer Plans

Internship Summer Plans

Posted on 11 June 2019 by Ellie

As the end of term draws to a close for the year, it is time to start thinking about this year’s summer plans! Last year I spent my long break […]

My volunteering experience at Cardiff University

My volunteering experience at Cardiff University

Posted on 26 February 2019 by Ellie

In July 2018, I set off to the little South Pacific island of Fiji to undertake a volunteering project which involved teaching English, Maths and coaching sports to children. At […]

Planning For My Study Abroad Experience through Cardiff University

Planning For My Study Abroad Experience through Cardiff University

Posted on 29 November 2018 by Ellie

In three months from now I will be (hopefully) settled in my new home for the next 6 months, half way across the world in Australia. How crazy is that?! […]

Student Life Vlogs – Northern Arizona University

Student Life Vlogs – Northern Arizona University

Posted on 15 November 2018 by Dan

I'm back! Hello, it's Dan again, and I have returned! I am making student life vlogs once again, this time during my semester abroad in the states. In this episode, […]

Student Life Vlogs – Global Opportunities

Student Life Vlogs – Global Opportunities

Posted on 14 August 2018 by Dan

Hello again! In this vlog I talk about what opportunities are available for working and studying abroad during your degree. Everything you need to know: As always, questions are […]

What to do in the uni holidays!

What to do in the uni holidays!

Posted on 15 July 2018 by Gee

There are some days amidst the revision, exams and assessments that we cannot wait another minute for summer to come. We crave the lay ins, the lazy days, the sunshine […]

Have You Got Your Meningitis Jab?

Have You Got Your Meningitis Jab?

Posted on 21 June 2018 by Gee

Before you go to University, there are lots of things that you need to do to prepare. This summer, you probably have a ‘To Do’ list longer than your arm. […]

Pros & Cons of Bringing Your Car to University

Pros & Cons of Bringing Your Car to University

Posted on 11 May 2018 by Gee

I think everyone can agree that there is no better freedom than when you finally own your own car. From the age of 17, most people are rushing to their […]