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Cardiff University Experiences

Level 1 British Sign Language run by Cardiff University

Level 1 British Sign Language run by Cardiff University

Posted on 23 May 2014 by Nina

"Do you want to learn sign language?"  is where this all started, around this time last year. One of my friends suggested that we see if there were any spaces […]

Volunteering at Cardiff University with Student Volunteering Cardiff

Volunteering at Cardiff University with Student Volunteering Cardiff

Posted on 15 May 2014 by Nina

Hi everyone! Bit later than I'd hoped (exams in full swing now :( ) but here is, as promised, my update on volunteering at Cardiff and what it means to […]

What do you mean, you're disabled?

What do you mean, you're disabled?

Posted on 9 May 2014 by Elli

I have a secret. It's the worst kept secret in the history of secrets though. Everybody (well, everybody I know) already knows it. The secret is this: I have type […]

FAQs about Psychology at Cardiff University

FAQs about Psychology at Cardiff University

Posted on 13 May 2013 by Hannah

Hi all! This blog has been inspired by my role as an ambassador for the school of psychology at Cardiff. Apart from writing this blog, my role is to be […]

My First On Call as a Medical Student at Cardiff University

My First On Call as a Medical Student at Cardiff University

Posted on 10 December 2012 by Lewys

Hi guys sorry I’ve been off the chart for the past few weeks. I've been crazily busy preparing for a Situational Judgment Test which all UK final year medical students […]

Playing netball at Cardiff University!

Playing netball at Cardiff University!

Posted on 24 October 2012 by Freya

Hello once again! So now it's week 4, so the realisation of being in third year is really hitting home, I mean, I've got a reading week which starts at […]