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Applying to University

Coming to Cardiff Uni Through Clearing

Coming to Cardiff Uni Through Clearing

Posted on 8 August 2018 by Elin

With results day not too far away, it has been nearly two years since I woke up on results day morning and cried my eyes out after finding out that […]

My Results Day Experience

My Results Day Experience

Posted on 5 August 2018 by Gee

Results Day is less than two weeks away and I can imagine that the nerves are truly beginning to settle in – except those lucky people with unconditional offers! My […]

Student Life Vlogs – Picking a University

Student Life Vlogs – Picking a University

Posted on 27 June 2018 by Dan

Hello! Welcome to my third Vlog. In this episode I talk about why I chose Cardiff for my course and some of the things you should consider when picking a […]

The Summer Before University

The Summer Before University

Posted on 10 June 2018 by Megan

So, you’ve almost finished your A Levels (congratulations!) and you’ll hopefully be off to university in September. This is an exciting time in your life – be prepared for lots […]

Student Life Vlogs – Choosing a Course

Student Life Vlogs – Choosing a Course

Posted on 6 June 2018 by Dan

Hello again! Welcome to my second Vlog. In this episode I will talk about how and why I chose Electrical and Electronic Engineering as a degree and what you should […]

Commonly Asked Questions About Open Days!

Commonly Asked Questions About Open Days!

Posted on 20 March 2018 by Gee

University Open Days are an exciting opportunity to visit your potential first choice University and get your burning questions answered; as well as being able to take campus/accommodation tours, attend […]

What to do on Results Day?

What to do on Results Day?

Posted on 17 August 2017 by Lydia

On my A-level results day in 2015 I woke up at 6am to find out I hadn’t achieved the grades I needed to go to either my firm or insurance […]