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Advice for Students

Interview Tips

Interview Tips

Posted on 18 February 2016 by Hope

The second year Psychology students hoping to do placement next year are all currently prepping for, or taking part in interviews for their chosen placements. I've heard loads of different […]

Video Blog – Halls: 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Video Blog – Halls: 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Posted on 21 September 2015 by Toby

Halls usually mean the start of living away from home, and with people who you've only just met. As such, it's vital that you get used to the necessary etiquette […]

Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Went To Uni

Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Went To Uni

Posted on 18 September 2015 by Elli

As I was moving into my new room in a house shared with three of my favourite people this week, I thought with fondness of the slightly-terrified-but-still-excited 18-year-old Past Elli […]

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Video Blog – Toby talks CUROP

Posted on 13 August 2015 by Toby

Two months spent on Creative Cardiff as part of a Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme really paid off. So what is it and why should you consider one yourself? In […]

Video Blog – Toby talks University Support

Video Blog – Toby talks University Support

Posted on 13 October 2014 by Toby

In my lifetime, mental health has always been a stigmatised topic of discussion and I've never been entirely sure why. I completely understand that it's a subject that is often […]

Studying Maths at Cardiff

Studying Maths at Cardiff

Posted on 11 September 2014 by Nina

Hi everyone, Long time no post – and so much has happened since the last one! A Level and GCSE results days have now passed and I’ve heard Maths clearing […]

Video Blog – Toby talks What to take to Uni

Video Blog – Toby talks What to take to Uni

Posted on 11 September 2014 by Toby

I can’t believe summer is almost over. I mean, where’s it gone? It only feels like yesterday I was walking home from the last night out of the year and […]

5 Unexpected Things you Need to Pack for University

5 Unexpected Things you Need to Pack for University

Posted on 20 June 2014 by Hannah

So now exams are pretty much finished y'all be looking to party all the time, laze around in this glorious weather, some of you may even be about to jet […]

The Cardiff Award!

The Cardiff Award!

Posted on 18 June 2014 by Nina

Hi guys! Long time no post - sorry about that, things have been getting a bit crazy round here. Most students get to do nothing after they finished exams but […]

My first year as a Medicine student at Cardiff University

My first year as a Medicine student at Cardiff University

Posted on 16 June 2014 by Lucy

After spending over 100 hours in the dissecting room, bulk buying poly pockets and finally learning which way to put the stethoscope in my ears, my first year at medical […]