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I am an architect committed to pursuing a sustainable career in response to the urgent need for climate change action. My primary goal is to work on ambitious mega-projects that contribute positively to our environment. In addition to my architectural pursuits, I am also a dedicated yoga teacher, constantly seeking ways to expand my knowledge while maintaining a peaceful mind. Beyond my professional interests, I have a passion for various hobbies, including painting, cooking, traveling, and music. My journey revolves around combining my architectural expertise with mindfulness and creativity to make a meaningful impact on the world and the environment we cherish.

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Finding Harmony in a Busy Student Life: Embracing Yoga

Finding Harmony in a Busy Student Life: Embracing Yoga

Posted on 14 August 2023 by Anshuta

Hello there! In the midst of our busy lives, we find ourselves entangled in a web of commitments. From academics and part-time jobs to exams, extracurriculars, and financial responsibilities, we […]