Supporting you to grow and scale up your SME
15 February 2021
Covid-19 and Brexit will have a long-lasting impact on the economy. SMEs must find new ways to survive. However, where there is change and uncertainty, there is opportunity: a chance to build resilience, adopt new ways of working and thrive. The SETsquared Scale-Up Programme is supporting innovative SMEs to rise to the next level, in the most extraordinary of times. Here, Cheryl Moore, Innovation Manager at SETsquared , explains the benefits.
Armed with a portfolio of targeted and tailored resources, Scale-Up helps SMEs to address the key challenges of R&D, navigate the university landscape to access research talent, secure R&D funding and raise private investment.
Led by SETsquared – a partnership between the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey – the Scale-Up Programme is a collaboration of the five institutions in partnership with Cardiff University. The initiative allows Cardiff University to engage with SMEs in Wales and beyond, transferring our research into industry and supporting business growth, job creation, and bringing benefits to wider society.
Designed for high-growth companies, the scheme is catalysing innovation and investment in projects across key challenges including advanced engineering and manufacturing, digital innovation, circular economy, sustainability, net zero, and health and wellbeing. Scale-Up supports SME collaboration with researchers through a range of membership benefits: access to a high-profile academia and business network, exclusive events, support to identify appropriate R&D funding calls, bid development support, and access to investment readiness support and a network of over 1500 investors. For SMEs looking to pivot or diversify their business, the Programme also offers access to online Innovation Workouts.
At Cardiff, our SME partners are already reaping benefits. Worthy Farm, home of the Glastonbury Festival, joined Scale-Up to work with leading engineers on an exciting electrifying vehicles project. We partner with lots of other companies, too, including Cellesce, Rescape Innovation, Oxford Brain Diagnostics and Simply Do Ideas.
Scale-Up members can tap into a network of Innovation Advisors who support SMEs to access and facilitate discussions with the academic community. They can also benefit from specialist business support expertise provided by a team of Sector Leads.
SMEs in Wales are supported by Roger Hiscott, Director at Really Agile Consulting. It is fantastic to have Roger on board, as he brings a wealth of skills and experience to help extend the footprint of Scale-Up support and benefit ambitious SMEs in Wales.
It’s critical that we connect and collaborate to turn our world class academic research into real-world solutions, to support the inclusive and sustainable build back of the economy and help tackle society’s biggest challenges.
SMEs have a vital role to play in the UK economy, bringing fresh ideas that drive innovation and competition. Now is the perfect time for us to work together and scale-up your business.
Drop us a line. Get in touch. We are here to help.
Cheryl Moore, Innovation Manager, SETsquared Scale-Up Programme
Cardiff University Contact: Victoria Harris, Business Engagement and Innovation Advisor:
More information about our partner universities’ expertise, and Scale-Up support to apply for current R&D funding opportunities, can be found via the following links:
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