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Current Projects

Co-creating new pasts and new futures: the Roman ‘Diff Fusion Project

Posted on 5 February 2024 by Keir Waddington

CAER Heritage Centre launch with community members and First Minister Mark Drakeford Hello, I’m Dave Wyatt and I have a slightly unusual role because I am a Reader in Civic […]

“Geographies of Power”: An undergraduate research opportunities project

Posted on 3 January 2024 by Keir Waddington

Rachel Herrmann writes: How do academic historians incorporate undergraduate students into their research processes and questions? This was the question I considered from early summer 2018 to late 2019, when […]

An empire for the Enlightenment: Britain, Quebec, and the American Revolution

An empire for the Enlightenment: Britain, Quebec, and the American Revolution

Posted on 11 December 2023 by Keir Waddington

As Ashley Walsh explains in this blog post, it is a counter-intuitive feature of the Enlightenment that it could be intolerant. We tend to associate the Enlightenment with religious toleration […]

Gaming the past: Cardiff Heritage Jam

Posted on 27 November 2023 by Keir Waddington

Esther Wright explains in this post how a chance introduction to Daniel J. Finnegan, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Cardiff University, and the realization of our shared interest in […]

Power failures, sovereignty and environmental justice in Lebanon

Posted on 13 November 2023 by Keir Waddington

In his post, Owain Lawson explains As I work towards finishing my first book—Power Failures: Development, Sovereignty, and Environmental Justice in Lebanon—I have become preoccupied with the question of whether […]

Cymro a’i Geiniog / A Welsh King and his Coin

Posted on 2 November 2023 by Keir Waddington

Doedd brenhinoedd y Cymry ddim yn rhai i roi eu henwau ar geiniogau – fel arfer. Mae un eithriad: ceiniog sy’n dwyn yr enw Hoƿæl Rex. Hywel ap Cadell (Hywel […]