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European Placements

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

Posted on 12 October 2017 by Kimberly Field

Hello, my name is Kimberly, I study French and Spanish and have recently started the first half of my Year Abroad in Nantes! Before I write about my year abroad […]

Nantes month one: I’ve arrived and I’m alive!

Posted on 2 October 2017 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.” – Geoffrey Willans It’s all too easy to forget the reason we’ve come on a year abroad, especially […]

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

FIRST WEEK À PARIS: Struggles & Observations

Posted on 28 September 2017 by Natasha Holmes

Ok, so I’m not here to tell you it’s all going to be terrible but I am going to be brutally honest about a few of the struggles I had […]

The End

Posted on 28 July 2017 by Chloe Walker

Sitting here surrounded by my suitcases is a surreal feeling. After about ten months of living and studying abroad, the time has come to go home and to get back […]

LingoMap:Career plans, skills and employment

LingoMap:Career plans, skills and employment

Posted on 3 July 2017 by Sarah Gregory

My final LingoMap blog! As an undergraduate, it can be scary to think about leaving the student days behind. Student life is great, it has given me a huge amount […]

LingoMap: School and College life

Posted on 3 July 2017 by Sarah Gregory

Finally I am back with another LingoMap blog! I hope you have enjoyed reading about my year abroad journey so far! For this blog I am focusing on school and […]

Lingo Map: Career Plans, Skills & Employment

Posted on 30 June 2017 by Kate Pritchard

Bonjour à tous ! On April 30th my placement as a language assistant in the South of France sadly came to an end. I can't believe how quickly this year […]

LingoMap: My career prospects

Posted on 30 June 2017 by Emily Seaborne

Quelle horreur! I can’t believe that my Year Abroad is over! It has flown by so fast and I have learnt so much in the 7 months I have spent […]

Lingo Map: Careers and Employability

Posted on 27 June 2017 by Molly Timmons

It’s official. My year abroad is (pretty much) officially over. I’ve had the most amazing year of my life and now it’s time to get back to the normality (and […]

LingoMap: Career Plans, Skills and Employment

Posted on 26 June 2017 by Chloe Walker

The future is a daunting idea and one which requires a lot of thought. What will we do with ourselves when we 'grow up' is a scary and often intimidating […]

Lingomap: Erasmus over…What next?

Posted on 25 June 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Hola a todos! Wow, so we’ve come to my last blog! My year abroad is over and I could not be sadder, I have had such great time both in […]

So, what’s next?

Posted on 22 June 2017 by Liam Barrett

And we’re done! As of 2nd June 2017, I have finished my year abroad. Having first left for Belgium on 25th August 2017, I have spent a little over nine […]

Reflections at the end of my Erasmus

Posted on 18 June 2017 by Simona Dundova

So many things happened in the last couple of months that I haven't had the time to write about each and every experience. That is why I am using this […]

Lingo Map: Career Plans, Skills & Employment

Posted on 13 June 2017 by Simona Dundova

Hola a todos! I cannot believe that soon I will be leaving Valencia, the city that has given me so much. Apart from all the fun I have had and […]

What next?..

Posted on 7 June 2017 by Harriet Codd

Well, well, well. We have reached our final post in the LingoMap program. I hope you have all enjoyed these blogs and can at least take something away from each […]

Lingo Map- School and College Life: My University Experience in Portugal

Posted on 30 May 2017 by Molly Timmons

I can’t believe how quickly my time here has gone! In 10 days, I will be back in the UK and my entire year abroad will be over! I have […]

LingoMap: Social Issues

Posted on 30 May 2017 by Emily Seaborne

Hey everyone, The topic of this months blog is Social Issues so I thought I would write on immigration and integration in France. Immigration is a big issue in France […]

Cuestiones sociales – El paro en España

Posted on 17 May 2017 by Liam Barrett

In this month's blog, I am going to talk about some of the social issues which have to be faced in the country in which I am currently living, so […]

A cultural/historical snapshot of «El país de Quijote»

A cultural/historical snapshot of «El país de Quijote»

Posted on 15 May 2017 by Liam Barrett

¡Buenos días! It’s been a few months since I last wrote for LingoMap, and since then I have moved from Brussels in Belgium, to Ciudad Real in Spain. Firstly, I […]

Lingomap: El sistema educativo español

Posted on 15 May 2017 by Melissa Tavares

Hola a todos!! Hope you’re all doing well! I'm loving life in very sunny Granada! This month’s topic is school and college studies. Funnily enough 5 years ago today, I […]