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Katie Hawkins

Katie Hawkins

I'm Katie, a third year English Literature and Philosophy student! I am spending my Autumn term of my third year studying abroad at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, USA. So for the rest of 2019 you will be able to find me avoiding the Cardiff rain reading a book on a Californian beach!

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What my American dorm room is like

What my American dorm room is like

Posted on 5 December 2019 by Katie Hawkins

Perhaps one of the most daunting parts of spending a semester abroad in America is the thought of dorm rooms, I’m sure we all have enough horror stories from our […]

A visit to The Los Angeles County Museum of Art

A visit to The Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Posted on 3 November 2019 by Katie Hawkins

Last weekend, I got the chance to visit one of my favourite art museums in LA: LACMA, otherwise known as the Los Angeles Museum of Art. Even if you've never […]

How to be an active committee member whilst abroad!

How to be an active committee member whilst abroad!

Posted on 30 October 2019 by Katie Hawkins

Being a part of the English Literature Society committee has been a big part of my university life at Cardiff, and so was one of the things I was worried […]

The differences between studying in America vs. studying in the UK

The differences between studying in America vs. studying in the UK

Posted on 3 October 2019 by Katie Hawkins

I've completed six weeks at LMU now and it's fair to say that studying in America is far different from studying at home in Cardiff (first off Cardiff students are […]

My first month in America

My first month in America

Posted on 16 September 2019 by Katie Hawkins

I've now been in Los Angeles for a month, so I thought it was time I shared some of my experiences of living and studying in a different country so […]

American VISAs 101

American VISAs 101

Posted on 3 September 2019 by Katie Hawkins

So you've been offered a place to study abroad in America! That's great, but once the excitement has worn off you may start to worry about getting an American VISA. That's why I'm going to explain the process that I went through to get my VISA to hopefully make the process a little less stressful for you!

Where should I study abroad?

Where should I study abroad?

Posted on 20 August 2019 by Katie Hawkins

So you're trying to decide where to study abroad? Have a look into my experience deciding where to study and the factors I think you should think about when choosing too!