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Access and learning for all (part 2)

Access and learning for all (part 2)

Posted on 8 June 2015 by Judith Dray

“Female students shall be admitted to attend any of the courses of instruction…” By Siân Collins Following on from our blog post last week about equal opportunities for all social […]

Death of John Viriamu Jones, Cardiff’s First Principal

Death of John Viriamu Jones, Cardiff’s First Principal

Posted on 1 June 2015 by Judith Dray

Today (1st June 2015) marks the 114th anniversary of the death of John Viriamu Jones, the first Principal (equivalent of the Vice-Chancellor) of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire (later […]

Access and learning for all: University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire in the 1880s (Part 1)

Access and learning for all: University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire in the 1880s (Part 1)

Posted on 28 May 2015 by Judith Dray

Old college building on Newport Road “Nerth gwlad ei gwybodaeth – A nation's strength is in its learning” In 1882 the first draft of proposals for the planned University College […]

Could better Records Management have saved the clones? Orphan Black, inadequate archivists and the 5¼” floppy disk dilemma

Posted on 14 May 2015 by Judith Dray

By Siân Collins WARNING: SPOILERS FOR SERIES 2, EPISODES 1-8 OF ORPHAN BLACK!! I am currently catching up with the second series of Orphan Black. Although I’m enjoying the story […]

Ever wondered about why some lecture theatres have particular names?

Ever wondered about why some lecture theatres have particular names?

Posted on 6 May 2015 by Sian Collins

We were asked a few months ago about the meaning behind the names of certain buildings and lecture theatres in Cardiff University. Their names are something that many of us […]

Home of Sporting Legends: Jack Matthews

Home of Sporting Legends: Jack Matthews

Posted on 23 April 2015 by Judith Dray

Cardiff’s win at the 2015 Welsh Varsity rugby match, held at Liberty Stadium in Swansea, is only the most recent in a long line of Cardiff University’s sporting achievements. They […]

Old Rules and Regulations: Picnics!

Posted on 14 April 2015 by Judith Dray

Back in Cardiff’s early days, any students who fancied enjoying the warm weather with a picnic would have to give it some serious consideration. Picnics were highly regulated in the […]

Sir Mortimer Wheeler at Cardiff University

Posted on 26 March 2015 by Judith Dray

Dubbed ‘the most famous British archaeologist of the twentieth century’, Sir Mortimer Wheeler was the first lecturer in the archaeological department at University College Cardiff (now Cardiff University). He held […]

On Managing Records and Personal Data at Dunder Mifflin: The Michael Scott Approach

Posted on 26 March 2015 by Judith Dray

I’ve recently been watching the US series of the Office – for purely professional purposes, of course… I was struck by the amount of times records management issues jumped out […]

The UK’s First Female Professor: Millicent MacKenzie

The UK’s First Female Professor: Millicent MacKenzie

Posted on 17 March 2015 by Judith Dray

Hettie Millicent Hughes was Normal Mistress at the University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire from 1891-1904.  “Normal Mistress” was a term to describe someone who provided instruction to trainee […]