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Colin Riordan

Colin Riordan

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Vice-Chancellor’s January all-staff email

Vice-Chancellor’s January all-staff email

Posted on 30 January 2015 by Colin Riordan

Dear colleague Let me start this first email of 2015 by congratulating a number of colleagues. I know that many people in the University and beyond will have been delighted […]

Vice-Chancellor’s December all-staff email

Vice-Chancellor’s December all-staff email

Posted on 18 December 2014 by Colin Riordan

Dear colleague Well it's been a long wait but finally the results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 are in, and it's great news for Cardiff. Amongst UK universities […]

Engagement with Germany

Engagement with Germany

Posted on 5 December 2014 by Colin Riordan

Because of my academic background and fluent German I often find myself on brief visits to Germany, at the invitation of a university or other organisation related to higher education. […]

Vice-Chancellor’s November all-staff email

Vice-Chancellor’s November all-staff email

Posted on 28 November 2014 by Colin Riordan

Dear colleague Following on from last month’s launch of the GW4 Alliance in London, this week we held the Wales launch at the Wales Millennium Centre. It was extremely well […]

Ingenious interdisciplinary science

Ingenious interdisciplinary science

Posted on 27 November 2014 by Colin Riordan

As often as I can make visits to different parts of the University to meet people and inform myself about what we do and what actually happens on the ground. […]

Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) biennial conference

Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) biennial conference

Posted on 18 November 2014 by Colin Riordan

I'm writing this on my way back from the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) biennial conference, which this year took place in Liverpool (my home town as it happens). I've been […]

Hadyn Ellis distinguished lecture

Hadyn Ellis distinguished lecture

Posted on 13 November 2014 by Colin Riordan

Shami Chakrabarti, the Director of the human rights and civil liberties organisation Liberty, came to the University on 13 November to deliver the annual Hadyn Ellis lecture. Shami has just […]

Vice-Chancellor’s October all-staff email

Vice-Chancellor’s October all-staff email

Posted on 31 October 2014 by Colin Riordan

Dear colleague I read the other day that the Queen has started tweeting. I don't tweet myself so can claim no expertise on the subject but have to confess that […]

GW4 Alliance Launch

GW4 Alliance Launch

Posted on 29 October 2014 by Colin Riordan

Tonight I spoke on behalf of the four Vice-Chancellors at the launch of the GW4 Alliance, which we held at the House of Commons. The Alliance brings together the combined […]

Prime Minister’s Reception to Celebrate British Science

Prime Minister’s Reception to Celebrate British Science

Posted on 28 October 2014 by Colin Riordan

This event at No. 10 Downing Street was originally planned when the Rt Hon David Willetts MP was still Minister for Universities and Science, and so we had speeches not […]