
Research in the Morrill group is focused on inventing new reactions in organic chemistry and developing sustainable catalytic methodologies for synthesis. The utility and impact of our research will ultimately be exemplified through its application in the total synthesis of natural products and molecules of biological significance.

Our current core research areas include:

These projects will serve as an excellent platform for talented and highly motivated students to receive a first-class training in synthetic organic chemistry that will thoroughly prepare them for a future career in the chemical industry or in academia.

We are also actively engaged in a number of collaborative research projects in the following areas:

Funding is gratefully acknowledged from:

  • The Newton-Mosharafa Fund, British Council for a PhD Studentship (2020-2023)
  • The Schlumberger Foundation for a Faculty for the Future PhD studentship (2019-2022)
  • AstraZeneca for CASE top-up funding to support a PhD studentship (2019-2022)
  • The Royal Society for a Newton International Fellowship (NIF\R1\180099, 2019-2021) and a Research Grant (RG150466, 2016-2017)
  • KESS 2 Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships for a PhD Studentship (2018-2021 (PI: Dr Duncan Browne))
  • The EPSRC for a Standard Research Grant (EP/R006504/1, 2017-2020), the Centre for Doctoral Training in Catalysis (EP/L016443/1, 2016-2019) and a Doctoral Training Grant (EP/M50631X/1, 2015-2018)
  • The Leverhulme Trust for two Research Project Grants (RPG-2015-361, 2016-2019 and RPG-2017-195, 2017-2020 (PI: Dr Louis Luk))
  • The Cardiff University Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) for summer research scholarships (2016-2018)
  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a RISE Worldwide Research Scholarship (2016)
  • Fluorochem for generous donation of chemicals during lab start-up (2015)
  • Cardiff University for start-up funds (2015)