*National Libraries Day 2016*, Meet the Team – Rob
2 February 2016

Name and job title
Rob – Senior Library Assistant and IT Support for the Bute & Architecture Libraries
Job description in a nutshell
As well as general library desk stuff I do IT support for students (and staff!) here. Also doing the social media, the web pages, occasional other designy stuff and tall-person duties (changing batteries in clocks, etc).
I am currently reading…
Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald and Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl by Carrie Brownstein
Before I worked in the library I…
I worked in Cardiff Central Library before crossing codes to the Uni
What are your favourite things about Cardiff?
My home is the Canton / Pontcanna / Riverside triangle where a lot of uni staff and postgrads hide on the other side of the river. Chapter cinema. Running on the Taff Trail. Clwb. Tap House. 40 mins to the Brecon Beacons. Cardiff is compact and friendly, if you have a shared interest then faces soon become familiar.
What’s the best thing about working here in the library?
The opportunities to get involved with as much as possible. I love the true international feel of the place from the desk in Bute, the friendly students and the generous burrito discount.
Most unusual or surprising library query?
I’ve fought off library enquiries from Cardiff Uni students on St. Mary Street, at an airport in Portugal and in a gap between songs at Field Day festival in London. You can try to escape but they will find you.