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Postiadau blog diweddaraf

Post graduation confidence boost

Postiwyd ar 14 Awst 2018 gan Tamzin

Since graduating in July I cant help but feel more confident, I have to remind myself in moments of panic that I have graduated university and can do anything I […]

Why I chose Cardiff

Why I chose Cardiff

Postiwyd ar 10 Awst 2018 gan Barbara

The city is beautiful. I visited Cardiff when I was 15 in December and found the Christmas atmosphere captivating. The Winter Wonderland and city centre stalls make you feel cheerful. […]

Graduating from Cardiff University and Future Plans

Postiwyd ar 10 Awst 2018 gan Rachel

Three weeks ago today I graduated from my undergraduate degree (BSc Psychology with Professional Placement) at Cardiff University, bringing four years of hard work to an official close. It’s safe […]

Placements, Internships and Voluntary Work at Cardiff University

Postiwyd ar 10 Awst 2018 gan Rachel

Without a doubt, one of the best things about my degree at Cardiff University has been the wealth of opportunities to gain experience and skills outside of the undergraduate teaching. […]

Why I chose to study at Cardiff University

Postiwyd ar 9 Awst 2018 gan Rachel

With A level results day 2018 fast approaching, there are some key questions for anyone hoping to start university this September: What is it like to be a student? Which […]

Results day- Changed your mind?

Results day- Changed your mind?

Postiwyd ar 8 Awst 2018 gan Barbara

At this time of year, when exam results are just around the corner, you might be asking yourself whether you made the right choice deciding which course you want to […]

Settling in to Cardiff University

Settling in to Cardiff University

Postiwyd ar 8 Awst 2018 gan Elin

After receiving a place at Cardiff Uni through clearing I was incredibly happy but I was also very nervous to start at a university I had not initially planned to […]

Coming to Cardiff Uni Through Clearing

Coming to Cardiff Uni Through Clearing

Postiwyd ar 8 Awst 2018 gan Elin

With results day not too far away, it has been nearly two years since I woke up on results day morning and cried my eyes out after finding out that […]

My Results Day Experience

My Results Day Experience

Postiwyd ar 5 Awst 2018 gan Gee

Results Day is less than two weeks away and I can imagine that the nerves are truly beginning to settle in – except those lucky people with unconditional offers! My […]

End of an era

End of an era

Postiwyd ar 24 Gorffennaf 2018 gan Tamzin

So three years are up and most of my mates are moving away but there's a few of us who are sticking around to continue our journey with Cardiff Uni […]