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Postiadau blog diweddaraf

Une Aventure

Une Aventure

Postiwyd ar 18 Hydref 2019 gan Haris

I’ve been in Rouen 20 days now – I can’t quite believe it. I have so much to share already! Let’s go back 20 days, to when I was moving […]

A typical day in the life of a student

A typical day in the life of a student

Postiwyd ar 9 Hydref 2019 gan Ellie

Lectures The cornerstone of student life has to be lectures. The amount of these that you have is very much dependent on your course. Mine for instance, Journalism and Communications, […]

How to be the perfect housemate

How to be the perfect housemate

Postiwyd ar 8 Hydref 2019 gan Ellie

When you first start university, it can be tough getting used to an entirely new environment, independent living and co-habiting with often, complete strangers. It is not uncommon that tensions […]

Top Nine Best Venues in Cardiff for Music Lovers

Top Nine Best Venues in Cardiff for Music Lovers

Postiwyd ar 4 Hydref 2019 gan Ellie

Cardiff is home to a number of fantastic music venues that cater to an array of tastes and genres. For those looking for a change to the standard night out, […]

10 Peth Gorau i’w gwneud yng Nghaerdydd

10 Peth Gorau i’w gwneud yng Nghaerdydd

Postiwyd ar 3 Hydref 2019 gan Daniel

Croeso enfawr ichi i Gaerdydd! Dyma ddinas fywiog sy’n llawn pethau i’w gwneud. Ond mae ganddi hefyd elfennau cyfeillgar sydd yn addas i bawb! Dyma restr amrywiol o bethau i’w […]

How I DIDN’T prepare for my year abroad in Spain

How I DIDN’T prepare for my year abroad in Spain

Postiwyd ar 12 Medi 2019 gan Charlotte

Well, it’s safe to say that I can’t quite believe that I’m finally here in Granada and have completed my first week of my year abroad! To say that I […]

Top City Study Spaces

Top City Study Spaces

Postiwyd ar 10 Medi 2019 gan Ellie

Every student has their favourite study time, study buddy and study space. But where is the prime place to put your head down and churn out that essay? Look no […]

The Student Mentor Scheme

The Student Mentor Scheme

Postiwyd ar 10 Medi 2019 gan Ellie

What is it? The student mentor scheme is an initiative run by the university to help first year students settle in to university life. Each fresher will be assigned a […]

Cardiff’s Best Spots to Unwind

Cardiff’s Best Spots to Unwind

Postiwyd ar 7 Medi 2019 gan Ellie

Sometimes, when uni work stress gets too much, we all want a place where we can escape the madness and impending deadlines, and just take a breather. Cardiff has a […]

How my Global Opportunities Experience in Italy Changed My Life

How my Global Opportunities Experience in Italy Changed My Life

Postiwyd ar 29 Awst 2019 gan Piotr

Piotr is a fourth year student at Cardiff University, studying a BA in Ancient History and Italian. Originally from Poland, Piotr decided to come and live and study in Wales’ […]